Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

Confession time........

Hi everyone,

I have a confession to make........

I am GoldCoinLOver............

Only Kidding !!!! image

Seriously though - My confession is that I am seriously addicted to Coins !!!

What am I going to do ?!?!


  • wildjagwildjag Posts: 1,335 ✭✭✭

    Though this is what several people on the OF were saying about you a few weeks back image

    And we are all addicted to coins, thus we come here
  • 21Walker21Walker Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭
    Good confession my son, say 5 Hail Mary's and get yourself to a coin show and buy some gold coins.............

    Actually, I would be a gold coin lover also....if I could just convince my wife to like silver jewelry instead of gold, I would have more to spend on gold coins.............Rick
    If don't look like UNC, it probrably isn't UNC.....U.S. Coast Guard. Chief Petty Officer (Retired) (1970-1990)

    EBAY Items
  • <<Hi everyone,

    I have a confession to make........

    I am GoldCoinLOver............>>

    ME TOO, ME TOO.........I mean I'm not that GoldCoinLOver, I just like gold coins..image

    My latest


    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
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