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Hello I have started collecting not to long ago, but I am not sure what to buy, I have almost one of everything but I don't know if I should try to collect nickels or dimes or what. (I am almost done with pennies) I would appreciate your help.
Working on sig......


  • Fresh Meat ™
  • image

    Sorry don't know how to answer your question, except to tell you collect what you like.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forums. May your participation be pleasant, enlightening, and fulfilling.

    Russ, NCNE
  • Welcome aboard. I suggest that you buy books more often than coins until you decide what you like and are interested in.
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Hello I have started collecting not to long ago, but I am not sure what to buy, I have almost one of everything but I don't know if I should try to collect nickels or dimes or what. (I am almost done with pennies) I would appreciate your help. >>


    When you have more than one of everything, please send your extras to me. Thank you.

  • This is stuff I like to hear. I went to a coin show the other day and I kinda like Liberty head nickels.(I bought a 1/10 ounce gold coin and a 227 AD Severus Alexander coin there.)
    Working on sig......
  • HiimageKeep reading here, you'll probably develop some specific interests over time
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

  • Tupa, whatever your decision may be... take your time. Do lots of looking, and avoid impulse buying when you can. Just about the time you think you see a coin you want, there will be another that you wish you would have taken instead.

    Then you'll be just like the rest of us!

  • << <i>This is stuff I like to hear. I went to a coin show the other day and I kinda like Liberty head nickels.(I bought a 1/10 ounce gold coin and a 227 AD Severus Alexander coin there.) >>

    You might want to re-read all the above entries...... they all encourage you to take your time! Don't spend (waste) money on any coins until you figure out what type or types of coins really turn you on, fit your budget and fit the free time you have to learn enough to become comfortable with their history, varieties, grading and the like. There is A LOT to learn before you know enough to buy wisely in any series!

    Most of us burned too much money before focusing. Reading and learning before spending is the key to avoid this tendency.

    Good luck and enjoy! Rob
    Modern dollars are like children - before you know it they'll be all grown up.....

    Questions about Ikes? Go to The IKE GROUP WEB SITE
  • image

    Has Russ become a vegetarian?

    Have a Great Day!
  • Thanks for the edvice!
    Working on sig......

  • << <i>image

    Has Russ become a vegetarian?

    Have a Great Day!
    Louis >>


    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.

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