holed commemoratives--re Vermont
Posts: 5,956 ✭✭✭✭✭
I read the thread about the Holed Vermont. And yes I did buy it. Yesterday I also got a holed Oregon and several days earlier I won a holed Norse. That brings my total to 23 different commemorative halves and 5 different gold commemoratives. Yes I am a buyer of these and if you have any that you don't want drop me a PM.
This is the Vermont in question. It’s been in my holed album since gaining a little bit of album toning 😁
Lafayette Grading Set
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to verify that the coins weren't recently holed "culls" other than the freshness of the metal? Or are they inexpensive enough that it doesn't really matter? If you find an inexpensive, beat-up commem, are you against holing it yourself?
People of all sorts and in all countries have holed coins for whatever reason for hundreds of years. In answer to your question am I against holing it yourself and I assume that you mean to fill a "hole" in my album then the answer is Yes.
Lafayette Grading Set
You'll have a complete set if you say the holes in the albums have coins with 100% holes in them.
(That's stupid I know but I just had to say it.)
MW that’s a good one. So if I have a holed coin in the album hole is it a filled hole maybe by a coin doctor🙈
Lafayette Grading Set