Useful Excel Files for coin inventories

My father wrote this very simple Excel inquiry that goes out and grabs what is on PCGS' site and creates an excel spreadsheet of it. I use it to keep track of the PCGS value of my collection. It is setup for Morgan Dollar's right now, but could easily be modified for any type of coin. I am not an excel expert but the script would be a good starting point for an inventory sheet of all coins. It would need a few more macros to make the raw data more useful.
Just copy the below (between but not including the stars) into notepad and save as "morganprices.iqy". Then double click it. It will open up an excel spreadsheet and load web site contents.
Just copy the below (between but not including the stars) into notepad and save as "morganprices.iqy". Then double click it. It will open up an excel spreadsheet and load web site contents.
My Registry Sets! PCGS Registry
Semper ubi sub ubi
Worked OK for me!
Collector of US Small Size currency, Atlanta FRNs, and Georgia nationals since 1977. Researcher of small size US type - seeking serial number data for all FRN star notes, Series 1928 to 1934-D. Life member SPMC.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Semper ubi sub ubi
The name is LEE!
<< <i>Doesn't work at all for me, and I don't have a notepad. There must be a simply way for we Mac users to do this. >>
Notepad has nothing to do with it but you do need to have MS Excel installed. It can be saved in any text editor but it must be saved with the .iqy extension. If you have MS Excel installed, then your system should recognize the file as an Excel query file and do it's thing.
Semper ubi sub ubi
<< <i>Or.... you could always upgrade your Mac to a PC!
...and have to deal with firewalls, spy ware, virus's etc!
and they're cold.
I don't want nobody to shoot me in the foxhole."
Best Franklin Website
When I tried to open this document with Excel, it was not recognized, so would not open. Anyone have more suggestions?
My TV Blog
<< <i>On my Mac, I copied into a Word document and labeled it morganprices.iqy
When I tried to open this document with Excel, it was not recognized, so would not open. Anyone have more suggestions? >>
You need to use a text editor.
Works great. would be easy to use with a macro to format this to work for other things. I used to download all the prices weekly and store them in a database. For my series the prices never changed.
Cartwheel's Showcase Coins
Any ideas why it does not pull the PR SBA or any of the SAC's? Thanks
Edit: never mind it works!
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since 8/1/6
<< <i>
<< <i>On my Mac, I copied into a Word document and labeled it morganprices.iqy
When I tried to open this document with Excel, it was not recognized, so would not open. Anyone have more suggestions? >>
You need to use a text editor.
Works great. would be easy to use with a macro to format this to work for other things. I used to download all the prices weekly and store them in a database. For my series the prices never changed. >>
What are some examples of a "text editor"? I must have one somewhere on my machine.
What are some examples of a "text editor"? I must have one somewhere on my machine.
The missing test editor on Mac OS
Know nothing of either of these. try google
Me too----THANKS
For Windows users without Excel, you might be able to use Microsoft's free Excel Viewer. I haven't tried it, but it's worth a shot.
I've tried three times now and no luck.
I'm using XP Pro but an older version of Excel...Office 97.
Any ideas?
<< <i>OK, why don't this work for me..
I've tried three times now and no luck.
I'm using XP Pro but an older version of Excel...Office 97.
Any ideas?
Ron >>
PCGS, ANACS, & NGC Certified Coins on My Website.
See if you have this menu option on Excel:
If you have this option, just paste in the URL of the page you want to import, click on the arrows of the portions of the page you wish to import and click the import button. You can also save the query for later.
If you don't have these options in your Excel, you are out of luck until you update to a newer version, sorry.
Semper ubi sub ubi
<< <i>On my Mac, I copied into a Word document and labeled it morganprices.iqy
When I tried to open this document with Excel, it was not recognized, so would not open. Anyone have more suggestions? >>
When saving the file in MS Word, choose the file type "plain text" or "ascii text". Since the extension does not necessarily dictate the file type on a Mac, you may have to drag the icon of the file you just saved over the icon for MS Excel to get excel to open the file. I think you can also option-click on the file you saved to associate it with MS Excel but it's been a while since I've used a Mac so I forget.
<< <i>My father wrote this very simple Excel inquiry that goes out and grabs what is on PCGS' site and creates an excel spreadsheet of it. I use it to keep track of the PCGS value of my collection. It is setup for Morgan Dollar's right now, but could easily be modified for any type of coin. I am not an excel expert but the script would be a good starting point for an inventory sheet of all coins. It would need a few more macros to make the raw data more useful.
Just copy the below (between but not including the stars) into notepad and save as "morganprices.iqy". Then double click it. It will open up an excel spreadsheet and load web site contents.
************* >>
I think that you can modify which series you want.
Just change the web address
<< <i>
<< <i>On my Mac, I copied into a Word document and labeled it morganprices.iqy
When I tried to open this document with Excel, it was not recognized, so would not open. Anyone have more suggestions? >>
When saving the file in MS Word, choose the file type "plain text" or "ascii text". Since the extension does not necessarily dictate the file type on a Mac, you may have to drag the icon of the file you just saved over the icon for MS Excel to get excel to open the file. I think you can also option-click on the file you saved to associate it with MS Excel but it's been a while since I've used a Mac so I forget. >>
Thanks for the info.
I tried every which way along the lines of what you said. No luck. My 10.1.6 version of Excel that came with Office does not have the "import data" feature. I give up.
I think I will order a new HD TV and forget about coins.
Thank you!
I love this place. Always learning something new.
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
Now, would someone please tell me why I might want the price list in excell as opposed to just a printout of the prices?
<< <i>I had no idea what I was doing but I followed your instructions and it works.
Now, would someone please tell me why I might want the price list in excell as opposed to just a printout of the prices? >>
1- You could import the sheet every month and put each month onto a different tab in excel, then graph the changes over time.
2- Excel sheets print much more nicely than web pages, and you can format them however you like for even better printing.
3- Excel sheets import and view more nicely on PDA's should you wish to take one to a show, etc. On the other hand, you could import, say, online greysheet prices and that would be better to take to a show.
4- Good for dialup types who are not always connected to the internet. You know, all five of them that are left.
I have used this before, but I am hoping that your dad can still help me.
What I need to know is, how do you get to the data that is behind a login, such as the PCGS POP reports.
Of course you would have to be a member, and have a login and password already setup, but how do you get that information into the query so that you can access the data behind it.
I have been trying to figure this out for quite a while, and it would fantastic to solve the problem once and for all. It would add the finishing touch to my spreadsheet, and I know of at least a dozen others who would be very happy with it as well.
Hoping you (or your dad) can help.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
This is somewhat simplistic in that if PCGS changes the format or adds a coin to the "official" collection, all of my value spreadsheets will need to be updated with the new cell location.
I'll see about adding restricted areas of the PCGS site.
Robert A. Heinlein