Suggestion for 1959 topps

When posting an auction or selling 1959 Topps Baseball would sellers please consider stating whether the backs are grey or cream colored for cards that fall between #199 to #286.More often than not it is not part of the description and one like me who is in the process of putting together the entire master set has to either pass on a potentail buy because of not knowing what version is being sold.Many times I email the seller but recieve no response or its too late.I am sure other collectors are building the same set and may have a simalar concern.
Thanks in advance. always on the prowl for 59 topps graded 6 ,7 or 8.
Thanks in advance. always on the prowl for 59 topps graded 6 ,7 or 8.
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items