Sorry for highjacking the thread BTW, just can't resist plugging my favorite series. Anyway, here are a few varieites from my last ANACS submission. The first is usually called "no fineness" or the "fineness omitted" variety, but ANACS chose to just put the KM# on the slab instead. Second variety has changed in the 2006 edition of my Krause and is now listed as 1924/823 instead of 1924/3. Third is unlisted in Krause but it is a 1915/4. Though I couldn't get them to put that on the slab they did recognize it as an overdate.
What really sux is I was preparing another submission with a 1393/893 variety (listed in Krause) and now ANACS changed their f***ing slabs. I want the old f***ing slab!
Found I still have a couple old scans stored on this server, so here's one of the pretty side. Isn't quite as dull and luster-less as the scan makes it appear, but it was lightly cleaned long ago and has retoned around rim. In any case, it's probably the rarest 1915 variety, a class 3 doubled die. Also unlisted in Krause.
Hello folks, I just purchased a 1870 un sol in VF + with a large die crack. What a astounding coin. I knew nothing about it but liked the design and the fact it was silver and reminded me of a trade dollar. I spent ten bucks on it...Thanks to you folks I now know alot more about it. Take care-Mark
Nice catch.
sorry for lousy freehand pic... too lazy to setup the tripod.
Obscurum per obscurius
What really sux is I was preparing another submission with a 1393/893 variety (listed in Krause) and now ANACS changed their f***ing slabs. I want the old f***ing slab!
this is a wonderful thread. The Sol is one of the most beautiful silver crowns out there, JUST IMO.