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For all dealers, please describe what type of dealer you are.........

SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,010 ✭✭✭✭✭
This is a post similar to my recent post to collectors asking to describe what type of collector they are. It generated a substantial number of replies, so I thought I would pose the same question to dealers here on the Coin Forum.

Are you a dealer that:

1. concentrates in a specific area (i.e., US Gold only), if so what area(s) and do you consider yourself a "specialist" or an "expert";

2. does not concentrate in a specific area and will buy/sell anything that you can make money on;

3. had or has a personal collection and thus is also a collector;

4. does not have a personal collection;

5. deals locally (i.e. So. Cal);

6. deals regionally (i.e Western US);

7. deals nationally;

8. deals world wide;

9. has a brick and mortor shop;

10. deals over the NET;

11. deals exclusive with slabbed coins;

12. deals exclusively with raw coins;

13. deals with both slabbed and raw;

14. earns a full time living from coins;

15. deals coins part time and has another job;

16. does shows;

17. does not do shows;

18. is a one person shop;

19. has employees working for you;

20. collected before you became a dealer;

21. never collected before you became a dealer; and

22. other (you fill in the blank).

Hopefully lots of dealers will reply and give us a picture of the dealer side of the hobby.


  • ebaytraderebaytrader Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭

    All but #1 in some manner covers the people involved with our businesses. image
  • 2,3,5,6,7,9,10,13,15 (full time coin shop / full time 2nd job),17,18,20
    Cam-Slam 2-6-04
    4 "YOU SUCKS"
    Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized)
    Seated Halves are my specialty !
    Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE !
    Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!!
    (1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe !

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