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Price list from Doran Coins updated - 1/23/2006

Hello Fellow Forum Members,

As of 01/23/2006 I have updated my price list and also the supplies list (which now includes tubes, coin holders, flips, currency holders, storage boxes, and MAX staplers.) If you wish to place an order, inquire on whether an item is available, or have questions, either send an e-mail - info@dorancoins.com, or send a private message. To get to the site, it is www.dorancoins.com. imageimageimage

DORAN COINS - On Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), & www.dorancoins.net - UPCOMING SHOWS (tentative dates)- 10/8/2023 - Fairfield, IL, 11/5/2023 - Urbana, IL., 12/3/2023 - Mattoon, IL.
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