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Marilyn Monroe cards

I am looking to put together a 1993 Sports Time Card Company (now out of business) 100 card set of Marilyn Monroe in PSA 9/10 grade. This is a fun persuit and I know the cards are not worth much. I have the set in raw condition and would like to find some that are graded before I go thru the process of submittig mine. If anyone knows of a dealer or individual who might have these cards let me know.

Here is what they look like.

Thanks, Ed
email address: alohaet@hotmail.com


  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    i had some complete sets of those (ungraded).. i know i sold a few on ebay (both series) but i cant remember if i kept any or not..

    i even had the redemption card for some kinda ruby or diamond insert card, but unfortunately it was never redeemed for some reason.. image .. i saw it around here not too long ago, so i'm sure i still have it, but i think it was in crappy condition..
  • PA, I have the raw sets myself and plenty of extras. Marilyn died at the age of 36 in 1962 and will never age as the rest of will do. We will all remember her as she last was. I was 18 when she left us. Just like these cards for the sentimental value. I know they never will be worth anything except to me. I have 11 graded 10 PSA 9 and 1 PSA 10. Little by little I will complete this set in 9/10 grade.image

    email address: alohaet@hotmail.com
  • I have one series raw. It's a pretty nice looking set, but tough with the black borders.
    Running an Ebay store sure takes a lot more time than a person would think!
  • WabittwaxWabittwax Posts: 1,984 ✭✭✭
    I was born in 1975 so obviously I don't remember Marilyn Monroe, yet, her life and legacy has fascinated me my whole life. I really can't figure out why. When I am flipping channels and I see one of her old movies on, I find myself sitting and watching it even though I have very little interest in old movies. There are tons of good looking girls on TV yet she gets my attention. I even enjoy listening to the Elton John song about her. I've tried to figure out what it is about her and all I can think of is that she was a sex symbol in a day where sex symbol's didn't rule the TV and were rare. I guess she was ahead of her time.
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