Candidate for idiot card shop purchase of the century.....

A local card shop here had a BVG 8.5 1962 Topps Mantle/Mays card in its shop priced at $5000. It was priced that way partly as a joke. The card shop owner told customers that BVG 8.5 = PSA 9, and SMR for the card in PSA 9 is $5000.
Damned if someone didn't come in and buy the card for 5K. Unbelievable how stupid some people can be with their dough.
Damned if someone didn't come in and buy the card for 5K. Unbelievable how stupid some people can be with their dough.
Ron Burgundy
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
Send the guy over to my house! I'll have some real bargains for him!!!
That's a lot of dough!!! How did the card look to you? About a 5?
Stay classy,
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
See the 1971 Claude Raymond thread for further evidence of the same.
<< <i>It definitely didn't look like a nine. 8 at best, had some centering issues. Could have been trimmed, since BVG likes to grade trimmed issues.
Stay classy,
Ron >>
I don't know anyone who honestly thinks that more trimmed cards get through BVG then PSA; and if they do I haven't seen a lick of evidence to support it.
In regards to the BVG 8.5's, I did have two crossover successfully to PSA 9s while 3 others downgraded to PSA 8.
Damned if someone didn't come in and buy the card for 5K. Unbelievable how stupid some people can be with their dough. >>>
Frankly, I don't believe the shop owner's story getting $5,000 for the card. Most baseball card shop owners are basically bull crap artists to begin with.
I doubt it.
We should be happy that other collectors are willing to spend big bucks on the hobby. Some people like to buy at shops because they don't have to search for the best price. When I was an investor in a shop, we had several lawyers and a member of the Insane Clown Posse band come in and drop $1500-$3000 per month on new wax. We gave them volume discounts, but they probably could have done better shopping ebay.
I have no problem with people dropping serious dough at a shop. But spending five grand without even doing a modicum of research into what the card is actually worth, well, that's not how I roll. I know the buyer and he spends willy nilly which is fine but that doesn't make it smart.
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
All I know is that someone who had $5K to blow in a card shop is doing something right.
Yea...probably a card collecting trial attorney whereby money is no object. Just file another frivolous lawsuit for a client and settle with the insurance company, and collect 33% - 50% of the settlement amount...and then buy some more $5,000+ cards. And of course we then windup paying for it all with increased insurance rates.
The reality is that our system is based on maximizing your gains over someone elses. That is capitalism. If you think the small guy gets any breaks nowadays, you are kidding yourself. All you can hope for is that you minimizing the screwing. Complaining about someone else that made good doesn't improve your situation.
Added Note:
FYI for those of you who are Insane Clown Posse fans, they usually bought high end baseball boxes. I would have thought they were basketball fans, but they were hardcore baseball collectors. They would come home after a tour and buy a bunch of boxes to open for relaxation. It cracked me up how excited they got when they pulled a high dollar insert. They made a ton of cash selling records and touring, but a $200 insert still got them going.
I am not anti-lawyer and attorneys representing legitimate clients with legitimate claims is a needed thing. But open up the phone book sometime and there are dozens of obvious scumbag lawyers shouting out ready to "lead" clients into filing frivolous lawsuits. You should know what I'm talking about unless you are someone sympathetic to trial lawyers and don't want to know or don't care to know. The legal system in regards to frivolous lawsuits is in bad need of tough reform. Being an attorney should be a profession in which to make a comfortable living, not a license to get filthy rich by extorting money through the legal system.
Rather than chastise one side over the other, I just decided to forget about it all together and just focus on my own little world. It may sound sorta depressing, but I am actually much happier after I adopted my "not caring" attitude. I've decided that it isn't my job to fix the world because the outcomes are usually already decided before it gets to my level.
Anyways I can appreciate your point of view.
<< <i>Yea...probably a card collecting trial attorney whereby money is no object. Just file another frivolous lawsuit for a client and settle with the insurance company, and collect 33% - 50% of the settlement amount...and then buy some more $5,000+ cards. And of course we then windup paying for it all with increased insurance rates. >>
And this is pertinent to the discussion because...
Same here ndleo...I enjoy your posts. I just get miffed when my insurance bill constantly goes uo yet I haven't had a driving ticket in 34 years and have never been in an accident that was my fault - that's all. Just seems quite unfair.
Because I felt like it that's why - but I virtually always stay on topic in a thread. I've seen you go off topic in a number of threads so don't be a pot calling the kettle black.
<< <i><<< Anyways I can appreciate your point of view >>>
Same here ndleo...I enjoy your posts. I just get miffed when my insurance bill constantly goes uo yet I haven't had a driving ticket in 34 years and have never been in an accident that was my fault - that's all. Just seems quite unfair. >>
The cost of a lot of things goes up. Do you blame your escalating cable rates on trial lawyers? How about gas prices? Look what's happened to the price of gold in the past couple years-- do you think that's part of a trial lawyer consipiracy?
Insurance rates have soared in the past twenty years, and legal liability is only a small part of the equation.
Comeon now Boopotts, we have disagreed on some things in this forum before but I always understood your point of view. Here you're just being plain silly. The worst problem with trial lawyers is with health care costs, and you should already know that.
<<< Insurance rates have soared in the past twenty years, and legal liability is only a small part of the equation. >>>
Insurance rates have soared and legal liability is not the only reason - but for sure it's not a "small part" of the equation - it's bigger than that. Of course the trial lawyers will claim it's a small part and the insurance companies will probably claim it's a large part. Whatever is the "part" it's an area which needs to be addressed and reformed. Again...the bigger problem is health care costs which are somewhat out of control - and lawyers extorting money through the legal system is a major reason for this. Unfortunately, many legislators are lawyers and they don't want to pass laws against their numerous attorney friends - it's a viscious cycle but it has to get taken care of...and soon.
Stay classy,
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
I have been involved in sales most of my life and have heard all the "salesman" jokes and comments. Almost every profession has its bad apples and the legal profession isn't immune. Too many of these trial lawyers are involved in what I think and most people think are legal scams. Extorting money through the legal system with frivolous type lawsuits with the primary intention of making it so expensive for an individual or company to fight the lawsuit, that they are forced to settle. These legal scams are costing the average taxpayer and consumer a lot of money to pay for it - and we're sick & tired of paying for it. Scams from anyone...salesman, lawyer, ebay seller or anybody else should be exposed and addressed. These legal scams are going to be addressed sooner or later...hopefully sooner.
<< <i>It's all relative. Maybe to him $5000 was worth the time and effort it would take him to research the price. Maybe the guy just got a huge bonus and felt like blowing a little of it. Maybe he is laundering money for the Columbian drug lords.
All I know is that someone who had $5K to blow in a card shop is doing something right. >>
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
Yep - easy to find in almost any town...ready to fleece gamblers of their money.