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Guaranteed Regrade Question

Hi David:

I asked this question on several of the forums, so far without a definative answer. Can you assist?

Thank you,


Hi Everyone:

I have a PCGS coin that I believe is overgraded. The last time that happened I submitted the coin under "Guaranteed Regrade", got the coin downgraded and received a refund. This time I called customer service and was told to submit it under regrade. As I recall, a coin submitted under regrade will get the same grade or higher. There seemed to be a separate box for downgrade candidates. Does anyone know how I should submit my coin? Who at PCGS is most informed on this issue.

Thank you,



  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭

    Hi Greg,

    If you think the coin may be overgraded, use the guarantee resubmission service.

    If you think the coin may be undergraded, use the regrade service.



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