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Just some general questions and Numismatics in Europe and the US

Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
Hi David,

As you probably know, I'm a 17 year old from the Netherlands. Altough I know for sure that's a rare combination anyway to be here on the forums, it's also a rare age to collect things other then empty beer bottles...image

I've been collecting coins and stamps for almost 10 years (actually it is 10 years this month on the coin partimage), and a few years ago I decided to specialise a bit more. My first thought were ancient coins, I even wrote an article about it (must be somewhere on the Internet, but I can't find it anylongerimage) but somehow I asked for The Red Book for my birthday. Somehow my parents found it, as I know that finding US coin books is quite an hard task here, and since then, I've been hooked on US coins (I only collected dutch coins before that, mainly circulated ones)...

I then started writing articles about US coins, especcially patterns. These have interested me since the beginning of this "adventure", for their beauty and history (I LOVE historyimage). My latest article about Gobrecht Dollars, and especially the 1836-1837 issues, can be reached by the link in my signature line, and all the other can be find on the internet I think. I will publish a list with links to all the articles soon. Have you ever read any of my articles, and if yes what's your opinion about them???

Nowadays, I don't collect coins from my homecountry anylonger, and there are several reasons for it. The next list is something US numismatics have, but Dutch numismatics hasn't:

-Many grades, including 10 uncirculated/proof grades
-Noticable price difference in proof coins
-Varieties are widely documented and collected
-Patterns are a special collecting part, and not "fake money"
-An overall more documented and studied numismatics

What do you think caused these differences?? And will dutch numismatics, or Europe numismatics, ever become like it is right now in the US???




  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭

    Hi Dennis,

    The U.S. market is the largest and it is also the most advanced. The European market is a litle behind in terms of grades, grading, and acceptance of third party grading, Population Reports, and Set Registries...but they are coming around. It will happen in Europe sooner or later.



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