possible new Paypal scam e-mail
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Here is the internal parts of the e-mail--Anyone know if this is legit?
Received: from larryljasd.com ([])
by sccrmxc13.comcast.net (sccrmxc13) with ESMTP
id <20060111125330s1300ht2ede>; Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:53:30 +0000
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: (qmail 3035 invoked by uid 21635); 11 Jan 2006 12:53:30 -0000
Date: 11 Jan 2006 12:53:30 -0000
Message-ID: <20060111125330.3034.qmail@larryljasd.com>
To: repoman2000@comcast.net
Subject: E-Mail Id #1910 PayPal Account Security Measures Notification [Wednesday, January 11, 2005 02:35:19 DST -0400 UTC]
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
From: PayPal <service@paypal-protect.com>
Reply-to: PayPal <service@paypal-protect.com>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
<DIV> <A href="http://hometown.aol.de/benskd/" target=_blank><IMG alt="PayPal Service" src="http://hometown.aol.de/benskd/imagini/imagine.jpg"> </DIV></A>
received repsonse back from Paypal. They said it did not come from them. I figured as much.
I got suspicious right away when I opened my email because everything is blank except my name (I turned off my html graphics viewer for this email address). It doesn't state Dear Paypal User, it actually stated my name. So when I click to view the html graphics, it acvtually looks like a Paypal payment receipt. So if I had the html viewer on I could have been fooled and panic (I can view paypal payment receipt even if html graphics is off).
Note: I only use this email for paypal. I use adifferent ebay email address. When I setup my email I use fictional name and my nickname is just my last name. Where's the security breach?
I did the right click on the mouse to see the properties of the html the website I got is: http://ourworld.cs.com/payauctionow/mid.gif
This is Paypal's response to the email I forwarded (full headers and scam letter to spoof@paypal.com)
Thank you for contacting PayPal.
For your security, always verify every payment notification by logging
into your PayPal Account at https://www.paypal.com/ and locating the
corresponding transaction. If the transaction is not there, it may be
for a number of reasons:
1. The sender may have sent the payment to an email address that you
but have not registered with PayPal
2. Your email address may not yet be confirmed. Until this step has
taken, any payments sent to you will remain 'Unclaimed' in the sender's
PayPal account
3. The sender may have entered an incorrect email address. If the email
address they have entered is not an exact match, the funds will not be
posted to your account
4. The sender may be faking a payment notification to you in an attempt
to defraud you for your goods or services. In each case, never send
product until you have confirmed payment has been received by logging
into your PayPal Account at https://www.paypal.com/. If you believe the
payment notification to be suspicious, desist shipment and forward the
email to us at spoof@paypal.com so that we can investigate the matter
PayPal Account Review Department