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A few things for sale from a newbie

Hi all...just wanted to put a few things up here on the BST board....nothing fancy, just some extras...in hopes of building a good rep as a buyer/seller on this board....those that answered my post on the U.S. Coin Forum in regard to my 1886 3CN with die clashes solidified my opinion that you guys are helpful and fair, and putting these up here instead of ebay is my way of trying to 'get in tight with youse guys'...thanx for everything and look forward to dealing with those who have my areas of collecting for sale. Without further adieu, here they are....and for my first time out, USPS first class shipping will be free, though I would ask that insurance be covered by those that purchase-costing only what the USPS would charge (just my little way of putting good faith out there)...oh, all are PCGS slabs

1935-P MS65RD SOLD
1936-P MS66RD SOLD
1937-P MS66RD SOLD
1938-D MS66RD SOLD
1944-S MS66RD SOLD
1961-P MS65RD $17
1961-D MS65RD $17
1973-D MS65RD $17
1976-P MS66RD $17

1985-D MS67 $20

1983-D MS65 $25
1993-P MS66 $30
2005-P MS65 NON SF Low low pop in Non SF SOLD

Money orders (naturally), personal checks (which obviously would have to clear prior to shipping) and paypal are all accepted...PM me if any of you should be interested in these. I will also be adding some raw stuff-mainly older, circulated Liberty V nickels and a few Barber quarters, to name a few. Thank you for your interest and look forward to building a solid rapporton these boards!

Edited to finish pricing.....thanx!


  • GeomanGeoman Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭
    I am interested in the 1937-P MS66RD for $21.

    Sending PM. Thanks!
  • TTT for Saturday....thanx!
  • Bumperooo for Sunday...
  • Topping for Fri Nite
  • I like your screen name...most people don't know what a petard is any more.

    Finish like a professional!
  • mademanmademan Posts: 431 ✭✭
    PM sent on the Lincolns---WHAT IS A PETARD? dON/mm
  • A petard has two definitions.

    1. In the 16th century, a petard was a small explosive charge or grenade used to blow a hole in a door, wall, or fortification. Usually used to gain entrance to your enemy's castle.

    2. In current times, it also is an animal trap, consisting of a rope and a bent branch that caught the desired beast by one leg as it stepped into a loop in the rope and pulled it up into the air. This is where the phrase "being hoisted by your own petard" came from, which means to be the victim of your own attempt to harm somebody else. Being "petarded" would be such a situation.

    Finish like a professional!
  • ttt for wed
  • TTT for Thursday...and Tanner....'petard' is close to your definitions (which are by the book), but if you delve a little deeper, the origin is latin for, pretty much, to fart...bringing us to the blowing of the castle wall...hence the explosion definition....hence its pretty much 'blowing a fart' in medieval times.......I prefer to use the 'fart' definition(I like to think of it in terms of 'Henry the VIII petarded after beheading wife number 2'...) though yours are definitely correct....I believe the original latin spelling is 'pitar',though 'petard' is the accepted spelling of the word nowadays
  • TTT for Fri niters
  • Back again for a Monday TTT...all sold coins have been shipped...hope the buyers like 'em!
  • GeomanGeoman Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭
    Received my coin. Thanks!

  • << <i>TTT for Thursday...and Tanner....'petard' is close to your definitions (which are by the book), but if you delve a little deeper, the origin is latin for, pretty much, to fart...bringing us to the blowing of the castle wall...hence the explosion definition....hence its pretty much 'blowing a fart' in medieval times.......I prefer to use the 'fart' definition(I like to think of it in terms of 'Henry the VIII petarded after beheading wife number 2'...) though yours are definitely correct....I believe the original latin spelling is 'pitar',though 'petard' is the accepted spelling of the word nowadays >>

    Datz what I like about this place, learning something new every day.image

    I think you and this ebay seller have something in common, third seller from top.

    Couldn't help but chuckle over that one either.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
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