If you find the MC spoof humorous, then it would follow then that you don't find Damon as your new hero.
They are in direct opposites of one another, but then, spammy has a history of embracing the newest yankees as his idols...remember his devout man crush on the big unit last year?
He's in love! Spring time is for lovers after all. And that's just when baseball season starts.
Hypocrite, much?
Same ole spammy...he'll never make any sense!
One could make the argument that both the Master Card spoof, and the signature image, convey an unflattering opinion of Damon.
They are in direct opposites of one another, but then, spammy has a history of embracing the newest yankees as his idols...remember his devout man crush on the big unit last year?
He's in love! Spring time is for lovers after all. And that's just when baseball season starts.
Enjoy your new boy toy, spammy.