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365 Days of EBAY Spam - My Only Thread on this board for the year

For 2006 I will attempt to auction off 365 PSA graded cards of HAll-of famers all starting at with an inital bid of $0.99. Cards will be presented in this thread only on this board.
Join my EBay MAiling list for special offers.

CArd #1 of 2006 - 1928 R 315 Jimmy Foxx PSA 6 closed at $535 - Great Looking Rookie card of old Double XX very rare only 4 submitted to date. 1 PSA 3-4 one PSA 7Q(this was a yellow version card that was OC and for $575 in a private transaction in August) . I like the white version of the card much better.

1928 R315 Jimmy Foxx PSA 6 EBAY Item #8745882369

CArd #2 of 2006 1932 Orbit Gum Pins #6 Kiki Cuyler PSA 7closed at $54- Nice portrait shot of this hall of-famer would probably fit in nicely in a hall-of-fame type set......

1932 Orbit Gum Pins #6 Kiki Cuyler PSA 7 EBAY Item#8745882397

Visit my EBay Store -Currently I have 811 PSA graded cards for sale

Happy New Year here is wishing everyone a healthy happy and prosperous 2006. Jeff Britton
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain.


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