Thoughts on '71 FB
Posts: 377 ✭✭
Happy New Year all- I am considering starting the '71 FB in at least 8. Seems to be fairly popular yet
pop numbers fairly modest. Would be interested in any thoughts on difficulty and dollars needed to attempt
this nice set. If I go for it - anyone with some extra 8s would be helpful to get a running start.
Jack E
pop numbers fairly modest. Would be interested in any thoughts on difficulty and dollars needed to attempt
this nice set. If I go for it - anyone with some extra 8s would be helpful to get a running start.
Jack E
Got your email on the few 73 raws we talked about also will give you the news on them then as well.
The 71 set is a fun yet challenging endeavour. I'm not quite at 30% with a GPA of 7.99 (Greg Montieth's set). I had a nice raw set, of which I submitted around 100 cards and received only 2 9's, maybe 60 to 65 8's and the rest 7's. Raw is tough to find and the pops are lower than you'd think for a borderline modern set.
There are 4 HOF rc's (Greene, Houston, Bradshaw and Lanier) and many other star/semi-star rc's including Shottenheimer, Mercury Morris, Jake Scott, Garo Yepremian and 2nd year cards of Bubba Smith, O.J., Stenerud, Elvin Bethea, Jan Stenerud and Tom Mack. I'm not sure if the 1st or 2nd series is tougher but there are many cards that I've never seen nice examples of including the Namath (often off-centered).
Good luck - and as an FYI, Mint State has quite a few nice PSA 8 and 9 71's for sale.
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
If you are considering 7's I have about 50 sitting under the desk collecting dust. 8's are tough. I had a vending box and have submitted probably about 200 cards. I got 10-9's and the rest were half 8'2 half 7's.
Fun set, but tough.
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