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Ramirez to the Mets?

AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
Just heard that the Mets reported to the Boston media they are talking to get Manny...anyone else heard this?


  • Been floated around often the last month or so, going back to Pedro telling reporters on the last day "Call me when we get Manny".

    Who knows. One thing with all the Manny rumors, if you believed every one you heard, he'd be playing on about 18 different teams right now.
  • kuhlmannkuhlmann Posts: 3,326 ✭✭
    from what im hearing.. mets do this there nuts! 4 players for manny and 3 of them our top prospects. milledge petit heilman and cameron!

  • << <i>from what im hearing.. mets do this there nuts! 4 players for manny and 3 of them our top prospects. milledge petit heilman and cameron! >>

    Oh Yeah!! And rid of $20mm per year in salary!
  • Kuhl,

    Manny , Furcal and Billy Wagner = World series Champs image
  • kuhlmannkuhlmann Posts: 3,326 ✭✭
    To give up all that i dont like it... furcal to 2nd base? he is below avg at short, new posistion = nightmare.

    someting about former braves i just dont like on the mets.

    Manny would be a great addition but this milledge kid seems to be something special, who knows how it will go down if it goes down at all.
  • I've seen wayyy to many " can't miss " prospects for the Mets turn out to be bums

    Furcal and Reyes at the top of the order would be awesome IMO

  • << <i>I've seen wayyy to many " can't miss " prospects for the Mets turn out to be bums

    Furcal and Reyes at the top of the order would be awesome IMO >>

    How can anyone call Bill Pulsipher and Paul Wilson bums??
  • Don't forget Alex escobar, the 5 tool can't miss prospect lol
  • kuhlmannkuhlmann Posts: 3,326 ✭✭
    what about scott kazmir? david wright we kept thank god! i understand mets had bust but this is to many prospects for a problem player with a huge salary. if it does go down i hope sox are picking up most of manny salary!

    as for furcal there has to be a better option! he batted .258 last year i think made 15 errors at short. move his posistion= nightmare!

    hes had 3 dui's probably more tempting to party in new york, dont see it being a good fit.
  • Kuhlman,

    sorry bro but you got furcal all wrong

    he hit
    .284 last year
    175 hits
    46 stolen bases
    58 rbi's at the top of the lineup
    31 doubles
    11 triples

    the guys a player
  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    This is a constant topic of discussion in the Boston media - of course, no way I want to see him go anywhere.

    And, what is it with Mets fans? Complaining about "giving up" too much for Manny Ramirez? The best RBI man perhaps you will ever see? Cameron may never be the same player again (and he is nothing more than average anyway), Heilman - who cares?, Lastings Milledge (who knows? is he the next Gregg Jeffries type "can't miss" Mets prospect who ends up not living up to the hype?). Keep them all, and we'll keep the slightly odd, but irreplaceable Manny.
  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    Oh, forgot this - from a few minutes ago:

    << <i>Agent Greg Genske told ESPN's Peter Gammons today that Manny Ramirez still isn't interested in going to the Mets. >>

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