Colonial Coins for Sale SOON......
I have decided to sell my Colonials. Before you start cheering and start making offers on all my quality pieces, I thought you should know that I will offer the coins to a fellow coin board member first. After this person and I have finished our bargaining I will next offer the remaining to you, the other fellow board members. I have some very quality pieces (pop 1s) and some lesser population pieces. Over the past years I have displayed images of my collection so, if you search back you will be able to peruse colonials that I posssess. After offering the pieces to you I will attempt to have them auctioned off via a auction service.
I wanted the loacl coin collection family to have first shot at these colonials.
I wanted the loacl coin collection family to have first shot at these colonials.
Constellatio Collector
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
"If it don't make $"
"It don't make cents""
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
"If it don't make $"
"It don't make cents""