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WWII German Stamps (Big Photos, I think?)

I found a some cool looking Nazi stamps in a book of photo's that I bought. Any idea on where to find some history or value on these?

Not the best pic's but they should work. The Hitler stamps come in different colors and denominations.


My favorite!



  • Your stamp with the dive bombers has beautiful margins. The set which the comes from is moderately valueable.

    On the topic of nazi stamps, any nazi stamps used and canceled in nazi occupied europe during the war on a cover letter or something else is worth alot of money due to historical significance.

  • Thanks for the imput.image

    Are there any books or websites that you would recommend?

  • There are catalouges by Scott or Harris that will have them listed. Not sure which world catalogue would have these stamps. Go to the homepage of PSE You'll see a small list of featured dealers on the left. Call one and tell them what you have and ask which catalogue you need. They can sell you one or you can get what you need from Brooklyn Gallery or Subway Stamp. Also, large bookstores carry them...sometimes. Or, local libraries usually carry them. Usually outdtated, but you can at least get a ballpark figure.

  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    My father was over in Germany at the end of the war, transporting German prisoners back to Germany from the U.S. He bought quite a few of these types and other stamps in sheets and had them until he passed away in 2001. My step-mother said she asked everyone in the family if anyone wanted them. I know she did not ask me and ended up selling them to some dealer in the area. I am a big WWII buff and would have loved to kept these from his time in the service.

  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,054 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've often thought of collecting Nazi related items. Never have actually done it though...guess I'm a bit concerned with people placing a stigma or steriotype on me if they were to find out I collected them.
  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    The stuka stamp is stunning.
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