Kinda Burned for 10,000 on ebay advice please!

Hello all i could use your advice please, I listed World Series tickets (#6571407161) someone bid the $10k and later sent an email saying ha ha try to collect. I really dont care that much because i want to go to the game today but that could have really burned me. Any advice on how to handle this person would be great . Thanks to all once again and go SOX Jeff

Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
i love this country!
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
About the immediate payment, won't happen with a 10k sale, there is a cap of 2k for immediate payment so there is no way around that. The only thing you really can do in a situation like that is do pre-approved bidding only but since it is such a time sensitive auction it really is a tough call, best of luck.
I would never sell an item for 10 grand with a 'shelf life' without immediate payment that can't be reversed and then I send the ticks - and then I have to think - who would pay that kind of money and why would they trust me?
Next time? If you are from Chicago area - sell them to a legitimate broker - you will still make a profit and have zero risk.
As it goes for the jerk "ha, ha" - talk to Pandrews - he'll have a contract killer at his door in 24 hrs!
Have a good time at the game - last nite's game was very good - Stros had their chance but were shut down by some great WS pitching!
And finally Crede was my man of the hour - with the HR and some great defense!!!!
Then, I'd get really angry.
yeah he was CLUTCH!
I have seen this mentioned a couple of times already, but was is the point of Paypal at end of the auction if the buyer has no intention of paying? 1st you need to notify Ebay so you don't get charged for a winning auction. 2nd you need to forward all this information to Ebay. 3rd you can look up the bidders information on Ebay. And if you have the money, go get an attorney. This guy agreed into a contract by entering a bid. Anyone thinks otherwise, i would suggest you consult your Business Law books.
He may have rubbed it in, but under most contract law you can't sue for punitive again you're screwed.
You could hire a lawyer for a few hundred an hour and he'll give you more detailed and coherent advice.....but I'm relatively confident he'll come to the same conclusion. The best you can do is neg the guy....and then get the retaliatory neg.
File with fleabay and get some of your fees credited.
Most states allow for "excessive prices" in a private sale
that is not coerced or made under duress or induced by
some aspect of fraud. There are some other exceptions;
ask your lawyer.
Your "case" - IF one existed - is history once you have
"used the tickets for your own enjoyment." You cannot
have "the value of your bargain" AND "the end-use of the
bargained premises/item." Use of the tickets by you,
likely mitigates your damges to ZERO; ask your lawyer.
Fleabay is a Deadwood-type town, and selling/buying big-buck
items there exhibits a semi-CLEAR assumption of risk.
I would rather go to the games than have the money, and
NOW you have a "side-bar" story to go with the "memories."
More power to ya'.
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
I could keep going in more detail about this but it doesn't really matter and it's not worth the time for me to type it out or you guys to read it.