Signature Line Images

Good Morning,
I have been receiving complaints over the last 3 months about the number and size of the images in people’s signature lines. We ask that you adhere to the specifications below. We will begin contacting members via private message if the size is not reduced in a timely manner.
Many have asked for the reasons since these images are not hosted by Collectors Universe. One reason is that not everyone is on cable, DSL or T1's. The larger the image the longer the time it takes to load the pages. I have personally experienced some issues loading pages in the past and I'm not using dial- up. Another reason is that excessive images clutter the post which is a common complaint to me internally as well as externally. If you are close to what we have requested below, we'll let it go.
200 x 400 and no larger than 20k.
If you image is too large you will be asked to remove or reduce the image size.
We will ask once and if you do not comply, we will remove your entire signature line from your account. If that doesn't work we will deactivate your account.
Please take a moment to see if your pics match up with the sizes listed above.
If you do not know how to reduce the image size, please ask your fellow forum members. Many are quite knowledgeable and helpful.
Thank you,
I have been receiving complaints over the last 3 months about the number and size of the images in people’s signature lines. We ask that you adhere to the specifications below. We will begin contacting members via private message if the size is not reduced in a timely manner.
Many have asked for the reasons since these images are not hosted by Collectors Universe. One reason is that not everyone is on cable, DSL or T1's. The larger the image the longer the time it takes to load the pages. I have personally experienced some issues loading pages in the past and I'm not using dial- up. Another reason is that excessive images clutter the post which is a common complaint to me internally as well as externally. If you are close to what we have requested below, we'll let it go.
200 x 400 and no larger than 20k.
If you image is too large you will be asked to remove or reduce the image size.
We will ask once and if you do not comply, we will remove your entire signature line from your account. If that doesn't work we will deactivate your account.
Please take a moment to see if your pics match up with the sizes listed above.
If you do not know how to reduce the image size, please ask your fellow forum members. Many are quite knowledgeable and helpful.
Thank you,