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It's Time to Load up on Robby Cano Rookie Cards



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    AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    hah the sign that bri's been defeated...he resorts to posting idiotic photos.

    Another crushing defeat for the board troll known as 'bri'.
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    bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>hah the sign that bri's been defeated...he resorts to posting idiotic photos.

    Another crushing defeat for the board troll known as 'bri'. >>

    I suppose if it makes you sleep better thinking you crushed me image
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

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    AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    We all know what makes you sleep better - a quick jerk on here while you post before night night time, right spanky?
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    bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>We all know what makes you sleep better - a quick jerk on here while you post before night night time, right spanky? >>

    Sometimes I do it 3 or 4 times. Depends on how many hits Jeter gets that night.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

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    << <i>

    << <i>
    And Cano would bat .300 in his sleep, on ANY team.

    Put Cano on the royals, with NO protection, and he'd be lucky to bat .250.

    I am sorry you cannot understand this very simple concept, but you're so drunk on ny koolaid, you have no idea what the truth is.

    Get a clue, moron. >>

    hahahahha, Ax that's your "schtick". Anytime you can't put up ANY facts, you go off and say "what would he do on the royals, or a team with no protection". I'm positive he'd do as good if not a better job than 99% of the second baseman in the league. Put Lopez on there and he's batting under .200 easily by YOUR calculations. Quit hating on the Yankees, your a broken record. Same excuse you pit on Jeter.
    Mark Mulder rookies
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    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

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    <<I'm not an alt. I'm a lurker.>>

    Is that you Gemmy, er I mean Elmer Fuddin?
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    AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>hahahahha, Ax that's your "schtick". Anytime you can't put up ANY facts, you go off and say "what would he do on the royals, or a team with no protection". I'm positive he'd do as good if not a better job than 99% of the second baseman in the league. Put Lopez on there and he's batting under .200 easily by YOUR calculations. Quit hating on the Yankees, your a broken record. Same excuse you pit on Jeter. >>

    Anyone with a brain realizes that players like Cano and Jeter, with bruisers like Arod, Giambi, and the rest of the all stars are going to get better pitches than a lineup of nobodies behind them.

    I am SORRY you are too dense to realize this fact. I am SORRY you are too drunk on ny koolaid to see what happens on other teams.

    Get a clue, dipchit.
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    bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>hahahahha, Ax that's your "schtick". Anytime you can't put up ANY facts, you go off and say "what would he do on the royals, or a team with no protection". I'm positive he'd do as good if not a better job than 99% of the second baseman in the league. Put Lopez on there and he's batting under .200 easily by YOUR calculations. Quit hating on the Yankees, your a broken record. Same excuse you pit on Jeter. >>

    Anyone with a brain realizes that players like Cano and Jeter, with bruisers like Arod, Giambi, and the rest of the all stars are going to get better pitches than a lineup of nobodies behind them.

    I am SORRY you are too dense to realize this fact. I am SORRY you are too drunk on ny koolaid to see what happens on other teams.

    Get a clue, dipchit. >>

    How is batting 8th or 9th in the lineup affected by the 3, 4, and 5 hitter on a team ?

    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

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    Name a team with 8 everyday hitters that doesn't contain somesortof protection. Come on now, truth is you can't find one because it's the top professional baseball league in the world. Quit talking out of your arse Ax.
    Mark Mulder rookies
    Chipper Jones rookies
    Orlando Cabrera rookies
    Lawrence Taylor
    Sam Huff
    Lavar Arrington
    NY Giants
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    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

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    AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>Name a team with 8 everyday hitters that doesn't contain somesortof protection. Come on now, truth is you can't find one because it's the top professional baseball league in the world. Quit talking out of your arse Ax. >>

    The aforementioned KC royals have no one with more than 18 HRs, with .517 SLG being the top.

    Put Cano there, and I guarantee he'd struggle to bat .250.
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    bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Name a team with 8 everyday hitters that doesn't contain somesortof protection. Come on now, truth is you can't find one because it's the top professional baseball league in the world. Quit talking out of your arse Ax. >>

    The aforementioned KC royals have no one with more than 18 HRs, with .517 SLG being the top.

    Put Cano there, and I guarantee he'd struggle to bat .250. >>

    Another gaze into the crystal meth ball, and we are all smarter because of the wisdom it has imparted.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

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    <<Anyone with a brain realizes that players like Cano and Jeter, with bruisers like Arod, Giambi, and the rest of the all stars are going to get better pitches than a lineup of nobodies behind them.>>

    <<The aforementioned KC royals have no one with more than 18 HRs, with .517 SLG being the top.>>

    I guess that explains why Abreu's OBP is virtually identical playing on a the Yankees who have won 14 more games than the Phillies, or why A-Rod's Home Run average over the last 3 years on the Yankees are substantially lower than when he was on 4th place finisher Texas, who lost an average of 25 more games a year than the Yankees.

    Pwned again on a message board.
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    <<'m not so sure. Loretta has a much better glove, and hit over .300 most of the year - Cano only has him in power. And, Loretta showed me a lot this season, getting several hits in key situations. In all, Loretta is a good player, but sort of a journeyman - I am not so sure he's even back with Boston next year.>>

    ctsoxfan, you beat around the bush and didn't answer my question. Would you make a trade Cano for Loretta straight up?
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    AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>
    I guess that explains why Abreu's OBP is virtually identical playing on a the Yankees who have won 14 more games than the Phillies, or why A-Rod's Home Run average over the last 3 years on the Yankees are substantially lower than when he was on 4th place finisher Texas, who lost an average of 25 more games a year than the Yankees.

    Pwned again on a message board. >>


    The phillies have FOUR guys with 25+ home runs this year, or perhaps you forgot that fact nimrod?

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    You sure avoided that Errod part eh Ax?

    "or why A-Rod's Home Run average over the last 3 years on the Yankees are substantially lower than when he was on 4th place finisher Texas"

    Just in case you missed it.
    Mark Mulder rookies
    Chipper Jones rookies
    Orlando Cabrera rookies
    Lawrence Taylor
    Sam Huff
    Lavar Arrington
    NY Giants
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    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

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    bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    Here we go with another night of dimwitted, hate filled, blind hatred being spewed by DOPEY.

    Let me predict how this will all go down....

    at least 25 posts on how anyone from NY drinks too much " kool aid "

    Another dozen or so posts on payroll.

    Several profanity laced insults and jabs due to being unable to coherently respond to facts being discusses.

    A fair amount of changing the subject when anything anti-Arod is presented.

    At least another dozen posts on how any Yankee would bat .250 on another team ( Arod being the exception of course )

    Some comments on our mothers basement, incest, and gay love between anyone who disagrees with him.

    Various ramblings which are virtually indecipherable.

    Many, many posts on how much he crushes, defeats, bashes, or owns other posters on a nightly basis.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

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    stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Here we go with another night of dimwitted, hate filled, blind hatred being spewed by DOPEY.

    Let me predict how this will all go down....

    at least 25 posts on how anyone from NY drinks too much " kool aid "

    Another dozen or so posts on payroll.

    Several profanity laced insults and jabs due to being unable to coherently respond to facts being discusses.

    A fair amount of changing the subject when anything anti-Arod is presented.

    At least another dozen posts on how any Yankee would bat .250 on another team ( Arod being the exception of course )

    Some comments on our mothers basement, incest, and gay love between anyone who disagrees with him.

    Various ramblings which are virtually indecipherable.

    Many, many posts on how much he crushes, defeats, bashes, or owns other posters on a nightly basis. >>

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
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    bri, that about says it in a nutshell. topps, he sure did avoid A-Rod. I was going to point it out but I figured someone else would. He was pwned once again.
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    yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,243 ✭✭✭
    LMAO Bri...I don't think you forgot anything!

    Oh, maybe an aggressive remark to get the f**k out of this thread!

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    AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    No, I didn't 'miss' Arod's remarks...I simply pointed out your errant thinking in proving the point about the phillies.

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    Do you ever admit when you are wrong? My ARod example shoots your theory down. And yes the Phillies have better offensive stats than I thought since I didn't take the time to look up their statistics, BUT the Yankees have much better offensive stats that the Phils. If your logic holds any water than Abreu's OBP should have gone up significantly with the Yankees which it did not.
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    << <i><<I'm not an alt. I'm a lurker.>>

    Is that you Gemmy, er I mean Elmer Fuddin? >>


    Are you always this far off? image
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    << <i>No, I didn't 'miss' Arod's remarks...I simply pointed out your errant thinking in proving the point about the phillies. >>

    "why A-Rod's Home Run average over the last 3 years on the Yankees are substantially lower than when he was on 4th place finisher Texas"

    Well, your Errods biggest supporter/jocksniffer, so why then Ax?
    Mark Mulder rookies
    Chipper Jones rookies
    Orlando Cabrera rookies
    Lawrence Taylor
    Sam Huff
    Lavar Arrington
    NY Giants
    NY Yankees
    NJ Nets
    NJ Devils
    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

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    Here we go with another night of dimwitted, hate filled, blind hatred being spewed by DOPEY.

    Let me predict how this will all go down....

    at least 25 posts on how anyone from NY drinks too much " kool aid "

    Another dozen or so posts on payroll.

    Several profanity laced insults and jabs due to being unable to coherently respond to facts being discusses.

    A fair amount of changing the subject when anything anti-Arod is presented.

    At least another dozen posts on how any Yankee would bat .250 on another team ( Arod being the exception of course )

    Some comments on our mothers basement, incest, and gay love between anyone who disagrees with him.

    Various ramblings which are virtually indecipherable.

    Many, many posts on how much he crushes, defeats, bashes, or owns other posters on a nightly basis.


    Once again, Bri nails it...
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    yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,243 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Do you ever admit when you are wrong? My ARod example shoots your theory down. And yes the Phillies have better offensive stats than I thought since I didn't take the time to look up their statistics, BUT the Yankees have much better offensive stats that the Phils. If your logic holds any water than Abreu's OBP should have gone up significantly with the Yankees which it did not. >>

    That's his MO! He wont be wrong, he will sprew stupid anti Yankees propoganda and claim "victory"! image
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    Notice how I don't get any replies to these:

    1) <<I'm not so sure. Loretta has a much better glove, and hit over .300 most of the year - Cano only has him in power. And, Loretta showed me a lot this season, getting several hits in key situations. In all, Loretta is a good player, but sort of a journeyman - I am not so sure he's even back with Boston next year.>>

    ctsoxfan, you beat around the bush and didn't answer my question. Would you make a trade Cano for Loretta straight up?

    2)<<why is A-Rod's Home Run average over the last 3 years on the Yankees substantially lower than when he was on 4th place finisher Texas, who lost an average of 25 more games a year than the Yankees. >>

    Do you ever admit when you are wrong? My ARod example shoots your theory down. And yes the Phillies have better offensive stats than I thought since I didn't take the time to look up their statistics, BUT the Yankees have much better offensive stats that the Phils. If your logic holds any water than Abreu's OBP should have gone up significantly with the Yankees which it did not.

    That's all right we all know the answer.
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    otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    Anyone who bashed Cano and his defense may want to revisit their "expert" opinions... Not only can he pick it at 2nd base, but he's demonstrated that he's no flash in the pan with the bat.
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    JHS5120JHS5120 Posts: 1,968 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Anyone who bashed Cano and his defense may want to revisit their "expert" opinions... Not only can he pick it at 2nd base, but he's demonstrated that he's no flash in the pan with the bat. >>

    lol image
    My eBay Store =)

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
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    stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    A+ thread resurrection. For a moment, thought Spammy came back.

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
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