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yet ANOTHER MNF Snooozer


KC was an obvious pretender. I do like the challenge during garbage time. These two teams will be on the couch come January.
Doesn't get any better next week. I hate to see Favre cry..



  • KC has always been a pretender outside of Arrowhead. Denver owns them at Invesco.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Joe the more you post the more it's obvious you are an imbecile.

    I'm as happy as anyone the Bucs are 3-0. But let's not forget the Pack could have easily won that game (missed PAT and FG), and the Bucs barely squeezed out a win against a horrible (at the time) Vikes team.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    To give the Bucs credit where credit is due, when the field turned up wet and sloppy for the game, that fact did favor the Packers. But yet the Bucs still won - the sign of a good team when winning despite conditions unfavorable against them.

    Actually I hope the Bucs keep winning and meet the Eagles in the playoffs whereby the Eagles will crush them - at least that would shut Stalin up for a while...probably a few hours - LOL
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    The bucs defense would KILL you. McNad would be on the ground more than uner center and the Caddy would rush for 200 against your
    glass defense...how would you beat us?? What...are you going to bring out Rocky again??
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