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Boy Scout & Girl Scout Related Giveaway & Patch Swap - WINNERS POSTED

I have been involved in Scouting for quite a few years now and I know well the benefits that this program brings to our youth. With that in mind I am offering a giveaway to Scout Leaders and active members of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

I am also willing to Swap Council Strips with anyone that will promise to send me one in return - Inand Northwest Council. Send me a PM with your mailing address and promise to send one of your Council Strips and one from the INW Council will be on its way to you.

The Give Away;

Adult Leaders: Reply to this post with your Troop and Council info (e.g. Mine is: Troop 5218 Inland Northwest Council) and you will be entered into a drawing for an uncirculated Morgan - Winner's Name will be drawn randomly from an old time Scoutmaster hat that has seen a lot of use. Anecdotes and stories are also welcome and may qualify for a bonus coin to the winner.

Scouts: Reply with your Troop Number and Patrol Name and you will be entered into a drawing for an uncirculated Morgan and a 2006 Redbook as well. Drawn from the same well used hat. A cool Scouting story will add to the winner's prize.

The deadline for entry for the Giveaway is the end of September. The Council Strip Swap offer is good as long as this thread stays active. Anyone under the age of 18 will have to provide me with parents OK before giving me their address for the Swap &/or Giveaway

I know that many of you have spent at least some time at Camp this Summer and some of you have been involved for some time - Lets show some Scout Spirit and hear some of your stories.

Yours In Scouting,
Scoutmaster for 16 Most Excellent Eagle Scouts


  • I'm entering as an adult leader (my son will enter later). I was just released from Cub Scout Committee Chairman and am currently the Blazer Scout (New Scouts) assistant leader for Troop 1328 of the Great Salt Lake Council, I was Chairman for almost 3 years and have been in New Scouts for 6 mo. Now that my son is 12 I've been involved in the actual Boy Scouts as a very active parent, I went on the week long Scout Camp this summer and I was the only adult that stayed the whole week. What is a Council Strip? I know what the Council Patch is. I'll be glad to send you one.

    This February (in the snow) the Boy Scouts and New Scouts did a combined overnighter at a place called Topaz Mountain. It's a mountain that actually has Topaz and in the surrounding areas there's Apache Tears (obsidian rock that are small and polished) and Jasper. The Boy Scouts arrived a few hours earlier than we did and were already trekking all over the mountain. We started setting up camp and one of our boys looked at the ground and found a nice piece of purple Topaz laying in the middle of camp (we suspect someone had bought a piece at a gift shop and lost it because it was so nice). That got everyone excited about searching for Topaz so everyone spent the rest of the day trekking all over the mountain pounding rock and digging in cracks but not a single piece was found. By the time everyone came down for dinner all the New Scouts were cold and tired so they all went in there tent to wait for dinner. Everyone else was out by the campfire having a good old time. The only thing we saw of the New Scouts was a nose every now and then when one of them would peek out and ask if dinner was ready. The next morning before we broke camp we drove to a couple of other sites and loaded up on Apache Tears and Jasper. All in all it was a very fun camp and next month we're going back to Topaz Mountain because supposedly the Boy Scout leader knows where the Topaz is.

    Kind of long winded but it's hard to sum up a Scout activity in a few words. I never participated in Scouts when I was a kid so everything is new to me. Since my son has been in New Scouts and now Boy Scouts (16 mo total) I've been on a week long camp, a winter overnighter, 2 three day summer camps, and a couple of overnighters.

  • coinandcurrency242coinandcurrency242 Posts: 1,962 ✭✭✭✭
    I am entering as a boy scout! I am in Troop 29 in Hampton, Virigina. I am currently a life scout going up for eagle this monday actually! As for my eagle project, I put up a chain link fence at the Animal Aid Society. I have learned many skills like living outdoors and leadership! Thanks for the giveaway! I forgot to mention I am in the beaver patrol!

    Positive BST as a seller: Namvet69, Lordmarcovan, Bigjpst, Soldi, mustanggt, CoinHoader, moursund, SufinxHi, al410, JWP

  • Millertime:

    Council Strip (old term) = Council Patch (Modern term)
    Sounds like you and the boys are having a great time - Stay with it as long as you can because it only gets better


    Congrats on your achievements so far. Your Eagle Project sounds like a good one. Good luck at your board of review Monday - Remember to answer questions honestly and straight forward.
    Also remember that the folks of the Eagle Scout Review Board want you to pass as much as you do

  • Weather11amWeather11am Posts: 2,047 ✭✭✭
    Troop 7 and i am in the Cobra Patrol, i am life working on eagle! On my first campout a long time ago we did not know how to make scrambled eggs and we did not have enough eggs. So we dicided to add 1/2 milk and 1/2 eggs. They turned out white and liquidy! We still ate them though. Also, afterwards are leaders talk us the right way to cook scramble eggs!!! LOL!!!


  • Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭✭
    I have been involved in scouting for 25+ years. It has been the best time of my life!!!!

    One of my best scouting experiances was when I went to the 1973 National Boyscout Jamboree in Pennsylvania with Nicolet Council. At the time I was only 12 years
    National jamborees are an event that all scouts and scouters should attend at least once in thier lives. Wow is all I can say about the 24,000 scouts at this event. You meet all kinds of people at the Jambo. Patch trading is an awesome way to meet people.

    Please sign me up for the giveaway
    Please pm me for the Council shoulder patch swap. If you want to trade OA flaps 1 for 1 let me know

    Advisor Jim
    Venturing Crew 80
    Germantown WI.
    Gander Mountain Charter
    Potawatomi Area Council
    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
  • Weather11am:
    I think I have lived that story myself - What's your plan for your Eagle Project?

    Havn't made it to a National Jamboree yet. Two of my Scouts have been and they are both Eagle Scouts now - One and Engineer and the other a Lance Corporal in the Marines (Yes, I got him one of the coins).

    I do remember my trip to Philmont with great fondness and abit of chagrin. I had planned on patch trading as much as possible so I stocked up well in advance. My council (Old Missions) had recently undergone a merge with the eastern Washington Council and been renamed (Inland NorthWest) so I had many of both Council Patches as well as an interim patch that had been issued and then rejected. I had 10 Old Missions, 20 Interim and 30 Current Council Patches as well as many OA Pocket Flaps and a couple of 2 piece OA pocket Patches. When the Boys and I arrived at Philmont and they were off on their treks I discovered that my patches were still on the coffee table where I had left them. Nicely sorted and neatly stacked but not packed for the trip. By scrounging through my bags I found some left overs from Summer Camp.

    Millertime and Musky1001 check your PMs for trading address
  • Weather11amWeather11am Posts: 2,047 ✭✭✭
    My eagle project is going to be building a 15 foot bridge accross a trail in a state park. In the spring lots of water flows through the ditch that i am building the bridge over. This would make the trail accesible all year round. Thanks!!! image
  • p8ntp8nt Posts: 2,947 ✭✭✭
    Im 16 and a member of Troop 358 of Vancouver Washington. Currently I am a Life scout working towards Eagle.

    My favorite Scout memory was going to Florida Sea Base in the spring last year. It was a blast! 8 of my closest friends all going down to Florida and sailing for a week in the Keys.. We would go snorkeling many times a day and be among some of the prettiest fish and reefs. Our captain knew exactly where all the good stuff was. On a few days, we would swim ashore and go shopping and meet lots of ladies who were on Spring Break also. image In the evenings, we would fish off the back of the 30 ft. sailboat and catch fish. We ate the fish that we would catch and our captain knew how to cook the local fish really well too. There was one time where I said I wanted to go fishing so I hooked everything up and dropped the line.. I swear not even 30 seconds later I was fighting to hold the pole. The captain said I must have been joking or something but I told him I wasnt. He said to me to pull it in and prove it... I did. It turned out to be a 17 inch Grouper. He cooked it for us with some lemon and seasoning... OMG... Delicious! It was a really great week and would recommend it to ANYONE. The $600 + airfare for a lifetime memory of fun is nothing.

    I enjoyed it so much that I am signed up to go again this coming spring. I also got my best friend to join Scouts so he could go with me. We cant wait!
  • p8nt

    The Florida Sea Base is one of many most excellent major Boy Scout Camps. Sounds like you had a great trip. Let me through an idea at you. You have been there and done that and you know that a good time will be had by all the next time around. Why not consider a different High Adventure Camp for your next experience? High Adventure CAmps Link

    All of these offer another NEW adventure next year, and the next

    Have you decided on an Eagle Project yet? No time like the present.....

  • p8ntp8nt Posts: 2,947 ✭✭✭
    MrPawn, I just HAD to do it at least one more time image

    I have not decided finally what to do, but I think I may gather donations and put together care packages. Then I would donate those to the Red Cross.
  • On the eagle board on monday, I did pretty good except that they told me they wanted me to elaborate more..... I didn't want to get my self trapped or anything. Well I have to go back and see them but it won't be a long meeting!

    Positive BST as a seller: Namvet69, Lordmarcovan, Bigjpst, Soldi, mustanggt, CoinHoader, moursund, SufinxHi, al410, JWP

  • p8nt:

    << <i> I just HAD to do it at least one more time >>

    I understand that! I used to live in South Florida. I went everywhere by boat - to work (to work on boats), shopping, out to dinner and, of course, fishing and snorkeling

    Way cool adventure - Then and Now

    But, There are others just as neat .... Philmont, Maine High Adventure Base, and many others Something to think about

    About the Eagle Project.
    Sounds like a good idea. Be sure to contact the Red Cross to find out what they will need. ie. what items are needed, how they want it packaged, when and where they can pick up items or you can deliver them. I have heard of many good intentions that ran aground because the folks gathered stuff that the Red Cross could not use.
  • p8ntp8nt Posts: 2,947 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the advice. My dad's best friend works for the Red Cross and I will be sure to talk to him.

    Here is the coin I got from Sea Base. I finally imaged it tonight.
  • Hello fellow Scouts and Scouters,

    And now the winners


    All of you will get a Morgan and extra coin. I already have the adults address and coins will be sent shortly.

    Youth: Remeber that I need permission from your parents for you to give me your address - Send PMs and your coins will be on the way

    The winner of the 2006 Redbook is: Weather11am

    Thanks to all and keep on Scouting,
  • Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭✭
    received the coins today

    you are way too generous, but then again most scouters are way too generous

    Advisor Jim
    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
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