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Anyone know of a good Coin Store in Birmingham

I will be going to Birmingham next month and will be in need of a good coin store to visit....Thank You.


  • CameonutCameonut Posts: 7,287 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Excuse me for asking, but what state or country?

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  • fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In Birmingham, Alabama you have...Doug's coin: 205-870-5921 at 2907 18th s. Homewood , Al.
    Doug's son Eathan also owns a coin shop in Hoover, Alabama.
    Coin shop(Bruces) 205 621-7442 at 3183-D Pelhan Parkway. Pelham , Alabama.
  • fivecents, Thank You very much for the information...it is greatly appreciated.
  • Her are a couple of CCE/FACTS Dealer Members. I am not sure if they have a shop, but you might give them a call
    to inquire.

    A.R. Akin
    Birmingham AL
    Phone numbers:
    Voice (1) 205-853-0120

    Birmingham Coin & Jewelry Co.
    Birmingham AL
    Phone numbers:
    Voice (1) 205-322-0442

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