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RAW and Roll Lincolns Mostly for Sale Here Only

Ok, here is the real deal. This is all CRAP I have “won” off of EBay. I do not want it, but maybe you do. So I will list what I got, and you PM me if you want any or all of it. Those who know me here and on EBay know I only ship priority mail ($3.85). This is because I live on an island (Puerto Rico). There are two ways to get mail off an island, by either boat or plane. $3.85 guarantees a plane ride for what ever you want. If you feel poor and want just a 37 cent stamp, you may be waiting 30 days to get your coin(s). Your call.

So give me your offers ( I doubt any will be refused) so I can get ride of this stuff!

One Roll of 1962 Lincolns MS 62-63 RED
Two Rolls of 1962 D Lincolns MS 62-62 RED
One Roll of 1963 Lincolns MS 62-63 RED
Five Rolls of 1963 D Lincolns MS 61-63 RED
Reprocessed 1943 D/D Looks MS 64 but it sucks
RAW 1943 MS 63, supposedly this is a DDO, but I can not see it!
RAW 1917 P&S The P is AG and the S is a solid Good.
RAW 1936 S MS 63 RED
RAW 1919 S Good
RAW 1958 MS 65 RED
RAW 1973 P&S in Mint Cello MS 65 Red
RAW 1973 D in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 1978 in Mint Cello Dark Marks on OBV MS 64
RAW 1977 in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 1968 D&S in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 1973 D in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 2001 D in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 1979 in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 2003 D in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 1973 in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 2002 in Mint Cello MS 65 RED
RAW 1880 Indian in Good
Maui Trade Dollar with Palm tree with Sunset and three Sting rays on Obv, “Good for one dollar at Participating Merchants During 2005” on Rev
Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.


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