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Little bit of VAM help please.........

My father had 2 raw Morgan's, that he passed on to me. Neither looked to be anything special, but I wanted to get them graded, at least to protect them. I sent them off to ANACS. I've been wanting to see how ANACS compares to other grading companies anyway. I got the coins back today:

1898 AU58, VAM-2
1898-O AU55, VAM-11

Since the VAM site I usually refer to is being redone, I'm looking for some help. Are either of these varieties rare?

Thnaks in advance for any help.
My humble '63 mint registry set, not much, but it's mine!


  • DorkGirlDorkGirl Posts: 9,994 ✭✭✭
    1898 VAM 2, has a closed 9..It's an R-2.

    1898-O VAM 11, near date, doubled 898, 89 doubled slightly at the bottom outside of lower loops. Second 8 doubled slightly on right inside of upper loop and top inside and bottom right outside of lower loop....It's an R-3.
  • Thanks for the help!
    My humble '63 mint registry set, not much, but it's mine!

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