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Question PCGS: do "crossovers" NORMALLY take longer than "raw" submissions?

Just wondering because of a couple of submissions placed recently. A day apart, the crossovers were the second day.


  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭

    It depends if coins crossed image

    If so, they need to crack them and then re-seal them.

    In my personal experience the crossover orders that take a longer time to post grades usually have at least 1 coin that crossed. The ones that go from "sealing" stage to "V2" to grades posted -- all in 24 hours -- usually have not had any crosses.

    My 2 cents image

  • << <i>It depends if coins crossed image

    If so, they need to crack them and then re-seal them.

    In my personal experience the crossover orders that take a longer time to post grades usually have at least 1 coin that crossed. The ones that go from "sealing" stage to "V2" to grades posted -- all in 24 hours -- usually have not had any crosses.

    My 2 cents image >>

    "Thanks that makes a LOT of common sense."

    I imagine all 11 of the coins probably crossed over - and that's what took the time. First they keep the coins in slabs to make the beginning grade: then all the time to change things and double check things.

    They were those huge sideways slabs of "yesteryear" from some company now out-of-business. I hardly got the 11 into a PCGS box: I just wanted everything organized.

  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭

    I imagine all 11 of the coins probably crossed over image

    If you cross all 11 it would be a bibllical accomplishment. Please let us know how you make out.
  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    On nearly every occasion I've submitted groups of raw and crossover coins at the same time (many), the crossovers have taken longer (up to a few weeks)... regardless of the level of service used. In addition, they virtually always take longer to get logged into the system at PCGS. That's what's happening right now, in fact. I dropped off two Economy invoices at PCGS on September 1. The raw coin invoice was logged into the system on September 2, but I'm still waiting for the crossover invoice to be logged in.
    When in doubt, don't.

  • << <i>On nearly every occasion I've submitted groups of raw and crossover coins at the same time (many), the crossovers have taken longer (up to a few weeks)... regardless of the level of service used. In addition, they virtually always take longer to get logged into the system at PCGS. That's what's happening right now, in fact. I dropped off two Economy invoices at PCGS on September 1. The raw coin invoice was logged into the system on September 2, but I'm still waiting for the crossover invoice to be logged in. >>

    That's what's happening to me. Exactly. I sent in two Saints submissions "one working day apart:" first one - all 10 raw- came back LAST Tuesday delivered! I was really pleased with the first ten grades" Really.

    I'm still waiting for the second set of 11 which were delivered to PCGS three weeks ago last Monday on a 15 day turnover.

    THANKS for the HEADS-UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;&gtimage wink.
  • topstuftopstuf Posts: 14,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Which ...OTHER... slabs are MOST likely to cross at same grade?

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