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Anybody going to the TNS Coin Show in East Peoria on the 25th?

I'll try to make it. I'm broke now, so chances are I won't be buying anything. imageLook for the guy wearing a Stones t-shirt. image

Here's some information about the show:

September 25, (Sun) Tazewell Numismatic Society 44th Annual Coin Show East Peoria, IL.
Location: East Peoria Convention (Expo) Center, 4200 E. Washington St., East Peoria, IL ( Rt. 8 Between East Peoria and Sunnyland )
Tables: 60 +, Fee: $35, Admission: Free, Contact: Dale Freidinger, PO Box 696, Pekin, IL. 61554 Phone: 309 353-6178


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