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Need help with Draped Bust Large Cents

I have these two very well worn draped bust large cents.

Based on the scans, can someone provide information regarding the possible varieties of the 1801 and 1802 cents?




  • The 1801 is too worn, your 1802 may be 1/000. They're both worth about $23.00 apiece...

    Take Care

    edited for additional information
    100% DAV, Been There and Done That!
    166 BHDs & 154 Die Varieties & Die States...
    Bust Half Nut Club #180

    Festivus Yes! Bagels No!
  • coinandcurrency242coinandcurrency242 Posts: 1,962 ✭✭✭✭
    $23 plus $23 = $46 for those who have a hard time in math image

    Positive BST as a seller: Namvet69, Lordmarcovan, Bigjpst, Soldi, mustanggt, CoinHoader, moursund, SufinxHi, al410, JWP

  • jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just recieved my new large cent attribution book, so I thought I would try and nail down the variety.

    The first one is too far gone for me to tell, but the 1802 looks to be the

    Sheldon 241

    the top right berry placement
    also I beleive I can see the dropped S in states as well a th Double bar at the fraction.

  • The 1801 is an S-222. On the obverse the point of the curl is undr the center of the upright of the B and the Highest wave of hair is under the left foot of the R. That means S-222, 223, 224 and NC-3. On the reverse the point of the leaf below TE in UNITED is below the right foot of the T. That means 222 or NC-3 (On 223 and 224 it is below the left serif of the E.) The outer berry below the E is below the center of the upright, S-222. On NC-3 it is below the center of the E.

    The 1802 is an S-241. It is a much easier identification. Stemless wreath is 231 or 241. Point of outer leaf in three leaf cluster below center of O is S-241. On S-231 it is below the left foot of the F.

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