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To keep or not to keep?

I am meeting a guy tomorrow and am going to purchase his entire collection from him for $800. In this collection is a 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan BGS 8. It has a subgrade of 9.5 centering.

I am buying the collection in order to resell, so that means that the Jordan has to go!image I have a 1994 Leaf Alex Rodriguez PSA 9 that I have zero dollars in. (I got it out of a pack). My question is this - should I keep the ARod and sell the Jordan thinking that the AROD has more of a potential upside? Or, should I keep the Jordan and sell the ARod, since the Jordan is one of the hobby's greatest cards, and I have not owned one since I was a kid in 1988?

I know the cards are not of equal value (ARod will bring $350 -$400 on Ebay), but I guess I am asking about the potential of each. I might be willing to go in the whole a little for the Jordan. Just not sure. It may be a wash either way! Jordan - the greatest ever! ARod - is BECOMING the greatest ever (or at least he has the potential to be).



  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
    I can't see either going up much, maybe the jordan a tad. If you want to invest, I'd sell both and buy some pre war...

  • What are the other subgrades on the Jordan. My decision would be dependant on the other subgrades and the overall look of the card. Tough decision either way- both are great cards.
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  • schr1stschr1st Posts: 1,677 ✭✭
    I'd sell the Jordan. There are over 700 BGS 8's of that card, plus more PSA 8's. There are 200 + PSA 9 Leaf Arod rookies, but the card is more limited, and I'd say at least half of them have already been graded by BGS and PSA. With a strong centering subgrade, you might be able to get some good $ for the Jordan, so I'd sell it then buy a PSA 8 Jordan and try to make up the $ elsewhere.
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  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    If you end up breaking that jordan out, be careful.image

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  • mtcardsmtcards Posts: 3,340 ✭✭✭
    I would keep the Jordan. Only one Jordan RC. Rodriguez has how many? Although the Leaf would be harder to get, sometimes the perception of scarcity is more than reality
  • kingraider75kingraider75 Posts: 1,500 ✭✭
    sell, sell, sell
    Running an Ebay store sure takes a lot more time than a person would think!
  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,901 ✭✭✭
    The A-Rod is the only one that has a chance of increasing in my opinion. The Jordan "8" market will always be roughly what it is today. When the spanks finally win another WS due to A-Rod that card will go up.
  • KnucklesKnuckles Posts: 2,512 ✭✭✭
    Sell both and buy a vintage Ty Cobb or something else nice.
  • if you are indifferent towards the arod and jordan, then sell both. if you have anything beyond monetary interest in either of the cards, keep them. as someone stated above, there are quite a few jordan rookies out there to be had. i dont see the card skyrocketing towards unseen values. the AROd card does have more upward mobility.....ARod has yet to win a WS...and if he continues at the pace he's currently at, he'll be reaching some very important milestones in the very near future.
  • eyeboneeyebone Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭
    If you must sell one then it simply has to be the Jordan....not nearly the upside as has the A-Rod. Good luck.

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  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I DEFINITELY have to sell one or the other. I cannot afford them both even though I would love to keep both. Very interesting opinions. I would tend to agree that the Jordan has probably topped out in value. The question is - has the ARod topped out? I don't think so. The pre-war option is an interesting one. That is an option to consider. Still not sure about what to do.


  • tkd7tkd7 Posts: 1,799 ✭✭
    Sell the Jordan. Baseball will always top basketball in the card biz and A-Rod will soon join the very elite in the game.
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