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Thank You Mr Pole

Been on a bit of a reading frenzy, some references I have been chasing for a while turned up.

Currently reading A New History of the Royal MInt by CE Challis, 1992 .

William Wellesly Pole, Master of the Mint, 1814 - 1923, older Brother to the Duke of Wellington, not only was responsible with the improvement of the manufacture of the coins he wished ' to improve the manufacture of the coin itself both in design and workmanship, so that we not only have to boast of the most beautiful and correct Mint Machinery in the world, but that we may stand equally unrivalled for the perfect form and exquisite taste of our several coins '.

By taking on artists like William Wyon, Pistrussi and Merlen he ensured that the designs were numismatic art and are some of the most stunning ever produced.

All I can say is: Thank You Mr Pole.


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