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Help with Russian platinum coin.

Got this in a group of coins I bought a few days ago and since my Russian is a little rusty, thought I'd ask here.
Its a 1989 150 roubles (I presume), marked Pt999, 15.55, so I figure it is 1/2 ounce of platinum. Appears to commemorate some battle in 1480.
Where can I find info/pricing for this coin?


  • Hi, I know russian coins too bloody well. If I am not wrong, it is the commemoration of the "Battle of Ugre" (don't quote me)

    yes, it's platinum 999 of half an ounce, mintage of 16,000.

    Price value is approximately 600USD or so, not a very common coin to find honestly.

    A link is here:

    Auction link
    List of my partial coin list: My Coin List
  • Yup, that's it.
    Thanks for the info even if I can't read it.
  • It refers to what it called the Great standing on the Ugra river. A bloodless standoff between Akhmat Khan, Khan of the Golden Horde, and Grand Duke Ivan III of Russia in 1480, which resulted in the retreat of the Tataro-Mongols and eventual disintegration of the Horde.

    Link for more info
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