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Does anyone read the Stamps Forums?

DBSTrader2DBSTrader2 Posts: 3,487 ✭✭✭✭
I wrote the message below several weeks ago, and have yet to get any response at all....... Is this usual for the Stamp Forums? Coming from the darkside Coin Forum, where there's always a free flow of opinions, etc, this seeming lack of interest is surprising.......Any thoughts?

I've been holding on to a set of the 50 state flag FDC's for what seems like forever (actually Feb 23, 1976). Originally 13 cents each. They are on regular envelopes with my old address - - no "cachet" pictures or anything. Are they worth anything these days? Anyone interested? Thanks.

- - Dave


  • Purple73Purple73 Posts: 2,016

    The 50 state Flag stamps can be aquired fairly cheap. Anything post 1940 is pretty much not gaining value.

    Your Stamp/Stamps are Scott Cat. # 1633-1682

    Price for a Mint NH F-VF centering set is 25.75 But I know this book is wrong. They don't sell for that much on Ebay.

    I would hold onto them just as a momento type of thing though. Stamps are still cool. But Most people don't think so.

    Hope I helped!

  • dougwtxdougwtx Posts: 566 ✭✭
    Its normal for not much activity on the Stamp Forums. I don't always like to answer the "how much are they worth" messages because I don't want to be known as the bearer of bad news. I will answer some and hope that others will pick up the unanswered ones.

    Addressed, non-cachet FDC's are not worth much especially since they are modern era; probably a few cents each. If they are addressed to a famous person, then that would increase the value. If trying to sell to dealers, many will probably turn down any offer. Most stamps and philatelic related items do not have much value unless they are of the "classic era"; pre 1900. Of course, there are exceptions, but generally speaking this is true. Countries just print so many of every stamps that it takes away the rarity value. Have you seen those gold plated stamp FDC; dealers sell those for about $0.50 to $1 each; so you know they had to buy them for near nothing.

    If I can find the cat value of your 50 state FDC, I will post back on this thread.

  • You will probably not find anyone at this forum that is interested in acquiring your covers. I have found that selling them at a flea market or garage sale will bring an amount closer to the actual price I paid for them. Like it was stated, pre-1940 and you would have a better chance of selling covers. Pre-1900 and even a better chance but you can still pick up large groups for a buck or two apiece. Any more, covers need something that sets it apart, a certain cancellation, an earliest known date of use, unusual amount of postage for the period, who sent it or who received it, and etc.

  • Yeah I check In. I'm interested in starting a set either a color type set or an early airmail set. Stamps that make good long term investments due to thier popularity with the hobby.
  • Buying stamps for investment is quite a trick. Generally, people buy cheap, recent issued items thinking the value will go up not undestanding that the supply sold is huge. Thus, except for errors or odditities, virtually anything of philatelic nature made post 1940 has decreased in value. You can actaully buy stamps for less than face value in most cases post 1940.

    Generally, classic stamps which are very high grade and purchased for the right price have a chance to appreciate in value. However, most people do not pay the very high price to purchase a high grade stamp. Instead, they purchase inferior grades with small faults, etc. for a premium over which dealers obtain them for. The wholesale market for non-gem or non-rare stamps sucks. Unless you buy right, your stamps generally never get back the investment b/c most do not buy at wholesale to begin with.

    Purchasing high grade classic stamps where there are few of them in such condition and purchasing them for the right price may give you a chance to make some money in this hobby. Most of us are not in it for making the money and most who try are kidding themselves that they have the money and knowledge to really make a go of it.
  • I'm gonna leave it to the kids to fiqure out myself. And just enjoy the stamps for now. image
  • DBSTrader2DBSTrader2 Posts: 3,487 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm guilty of my own failure tio read the stamp forum! I've been busy at work lately, and this is the first chance I've had to check back in since posting.

    Thanks everyone for the info! I have some older covers with cachets that are interesting in a binder, but the state flags just seem to be taking up space. At 13 cents each stamp x 50 , I don't think many "flea market" or garage sale customers will feel like handing over $6.50 or more. And to sell them off now at $5 or so (or less) is pretty worthless.................... guess the kids'll get 25 states each! image

    Thanks again for the info!

    - - Dave (usually over in the World coin forum)image
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