Home Coin Swaps, Tags and Giveaways

This swap has been a success- see initial post for rules that pertain to the newest Halloween swap.

It's been a while. I see our last swap thread is nowhere in sight therefore consider this a BRAND NEW SWAP THREAD

Anyone that wants to participate in a Labor Day/ Back to School Swap headed by ME, sign up to THIS THREAD which cancels out any prior one(s) headed by me thereby superceding any remnant thereof..OK !

Anyone that has participated in a swap headed by me SHOULD KNOW the "rules" and that I work to keep everything running smoothly, keeping everything as simple as possible. Instead of making things all complicated I have people swap with one another. THE REASON (KISS- KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID) ... when 2 people swap with one another there is no 3rd cog in the wheel and less chance of somebody getting skrewed....You are working ONE ON ONE with YOUR PARTNER. AMEN?

Everyone knows that I have set "COMMON SENSE" rules in place

2- We agree on a set MINIMUM, agreeing to real world pricing.

3- We DO NOT place unreal demands on our partners thereby FORCING them to run out and BUY something that you collect, OR ELSE...THAT does not work here.

4- NO "HIT AND RUN NEWBIE" will participate in ANY SWAP run by me unless first screened and approved by me. In all likelihood I, as coordinator, will assume responsibility for the newbies I allow in as it is only right that if such a trader winds up being a "NO GO" that it would be ME that should incur the loss. THERE HAVE BEEN A COUPLE OF SUCH NEWBIES THAT I ALLOWED IN THAT PROMISED THE MOON AND SURE ENOUGH./...DID NOT COME THROUGH !! THESE PEOPLE KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND THEY WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY SWAP RUN BY ME UNTIL THEY RECTIFY THE WRONG THEY HAVE DONE.

5- I initiated the BLACKLIST of SCAMMERS. When such people do so, you are to first let me know if all atempts have failed and their NAMES WILL BE PLASTERED all over until they step forward with a PUBLIC EXPLANATION.

6- This is supposed to be fun and for the enjoyment of our hobby, a great way to make friends with people we otherwise would not have had a chance to. You are to be FAIR with one another, COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR PARTNER and for God's sake...........

7- USE COMMON SENSE and protect yourselves by at least sending your packages with Delivery Confirmation, if not Insured WITH Delivery Confirmation.

8- Believe me, my plate is full enough and the last thing I need is a bunch of "school boy ninny baby crap" from a bunch of supposed to be MATURE Coin Collectors. If you DO NOT LIKE the way I have run the swaps in the past by all means just say so and I will step down in a heartbeat.

Regards to all,
B00M If you want to take part sign up.


  • MillertimeMillertime Posts: 2,048 ✭✭
    Count me in on this swap.

  • You can always count me in boom....

    There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye
  • Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭✭
    count me in please
    the last one was great

    Advisor Jim
    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Thanks guys. That's 4 so far. Let's spread the word and get some folks signed up.


  • LouieLouie Posts: 1,132
    Boom, looks like I may have sort of dropped the ball in my last swap with my choices. As someone properly put it, I should have said, sends to instead of swaps with. I agree that that leaves the impression that people are swapping with two instead of just one.

    I guess this 73 year old collector/swapper is just too old to conduct these any more and will cease to do so and leave it up to the youngsters like Boom to properly handle one.

    Sorry for any mistakes made in the past and remember guys, most of you will get to this age soon and will probably go through the same problems as I am. Louie

    Also, I am into this swap.
  • can I join the swap?? image
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    You surely may. The more the merrier. ttt

  • Hey Boom

    Any room left in the swap for a returnee to the swapping world image

    PCGS certified Modern Commemoratives and American Eagle Gold Bullion, Type set coins, CC mintmark coins, Confederate currency, Shield Nickels XF and better,HOF sports cards graded/ungraded
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    You bet. Deadline for entering this swap and posting your intention to participate HERE will be Friday evening 8-26-05 at 10:00 PM CDT. If you have not posted here you will NOT be counted in. ttt
  • Boom-
    The dog is back, and feeling pretty good now.

    if not to late or bammed- I'm in for the fun of it.

    Dog is feeling much better today.
  • Put me in too please!
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
  • 2bucks2bucks Posts: 636 ✭✭✭
    Hi Boom, This will be my first swap. Count me in! image
  • I just read this thread... I know im a newbie... but if allowed im in. I hope im in time, as I am in Japan, and am not exactly sure what time it is there. Count me in... if I am allowed.
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Hello 30AnvZ28,
    Engage your ability to accept and to send PMs. Unless you DO engage the ability to send and receive Private Meassages and or provide ME with a valid email address, I'm sorry but you will not be allowed to take part.

    I am responsible for the welfare of the group and you MUST make yourself accessable and verifiable to ME. Obviously you would also need this feature to correspond with your swap-mate, if accepted. Email me at quarterguy@bellsouth.net - See that little keyhole( second little icon atop and to the right)? Send me a Private Message with all your verifiable delivery information. (Name, address and email address).

    Had you set yourself up in this fashion I would have told you this privately but since you do not, I have no alternative but to address you publicly. "2bucks" had asked to take part, the guy right above you, and he was also so advised to do the same and he did comply.

    You are more than welcome to ask him yourself. I STRONGLY advise you to go to the opening post of this thread written by me, read it and decide whether you wish to comply and really take part with full knowledge and understanding of those rules. From there you are to comply with this request or you will not be permitted to take part.

    This is obviously nothing personal but rather just the way it is as I must assure the safety of all involved here.

  • CapstickCapstick Posts: 263 ✭✭✭
    I would like to be in this one also. Hope it's not too late. Thanks Tim
  • asnovellasnovell Posts: 429 ✭✭✭
    Count me in please
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Anyone else? I've extended signup till morning at which time I will have the pairings set. image
  • Ok... I dont know how to turn on pm:s... and im on a japanese computer, out in town. once i get on cthe comp back on base i will figure it out... my 2 emails are as followed...


    until later on today... i hope that is enough to verify myself. the second one is obviously my gov email... so let me know if im in or not. thanks, and sorry for the delay.
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    I ask for everyone's patience while I iron out a few details. It would be a fair statement to say that you all should wait till tonite for the pairings. I'll be back then. Take care and have a good day meanwhile if there is anyone else please sign up NOW!
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    You bet mano, I'm about to make the pairings now. Welcome. image
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    OK, here's the deal. I KNOW mojoman will want in but I have not been able to contact him all day. Also, 30AnvZ28 is a "GO" as he has done as I've asked in previous posts. 2Bucks is in too.

    Bearing this in mind, I am still allowing for latecomers (afterall, Mail does not run till Monday) here are your pairings. I urge you all to contact your partners, to be realistic and not place undue demands or stress on him or her. The MINIMUM is $50, HOWEVER, if you and your partner want to agree to a higher amount amongst yourselves there is nothing that prohibits this. Just treat each other fairly and make sure you agree on pricing structure. With this group I do not foresee any problems. 2Bucks is approved and again, 30AnvZ28 is also a yes.

    OK....the pairings:
    Millertime swaps with Kingpin and vice versa
    Arlea swaps with eyoung429 and vice versa
    Louie swaps with 2Bucks and vice versa
    Capstick swaps with ASnovelli and vice versa
    JohnK swaps with Morganhunter and vice versa
    B00M swaps with Manofcoins and vice versa
    Musky 1011 swaps with 30AnvZ28 with and vice

    For the most part this is a very seasoned group of swappers that are all trustworthy. Again, I submit to you all that MOST OF ALL, we have fun and treat each other well...the way we would like to be treated. Communication between swap partners is Paramount.

    Bare in mind that this is mostly commonsense, fairness and by all means DO protect yourselves by insuring your goods and be able to produce Delivery Confirmation information(Track and Confirm) should it become an issue. For minimum money you can protect yourselves and produce Proof positive that you have indeed shipped as stated. If I have paired anyone up unintentionally with the very same person I did last time and this is not to your liking, by all means draw this to my attention immediately.

    If I see that I will lose power due to this Hurricane I will appoint a "coordinator pro-tem". If this Hurricane hits all I ask for is your prayers bit having been exposed to some real Monsters since childhood I can truthfully say that I am not afraid and if for some reason the unthinkable happens, just remember ole B00M in your Prayers, OK? We all have to check out sometime and I'm not running. I'll be right here just like I've been for every one that has hit us ever since I was a kid.

    This swap is still open pending hearing from Mojoman and to allow for late comer. Let's make this yet another successful swap and continue to enjoy our collective hobby at it's grass roots level.

    Any problems or questions should be brought to my attention ASAP. Thanx...now, Let's get it on ! imageimageimageimageimageimage
  • Musky1011... My email addresses are as followes...


    I am currently in Japan, but with an APO address... so shipping will be just as if I was in the states, or you can send it to my grandparents in Ohio. Depending on what I send you... they will be shipped from here in Japan, or in Ohio. I have found some coins over here at a dealer (US Coins yes) that I have never seen before, and im planning on heading out there Friday for another round. My pm's are also turned on now. Let me know your preferences.
  • Also... if you would like me to send first, I will do that to insure I am legit. I will be shipping via USPS therefor it will be insured and have a tracking number.
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Good job. Looks like we're all set then. Musky swaps with our Marine. image Job well done.
  • Hi,Boom major p.c problems here ,nasty virus , pc is shutting down all the time I had to re boot last night ,if its to late I understand if not throw my name into the hat , Thanks for the chance, MoJo
    Ebay Seller I.D
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    You're in Mojo and still allowing for more. I'll get with you later. image
  • Boom...What is the value of the swap?
    Collecting cleaned, scratched, scraped, AT and ugly POS coins for over 2 years now!
  • well as far as I am concerned my swap partner did me good-

    Boom I hope you are ok- and that you are able to get back on line soon.

    now I have another pretty coin for my collection.


  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    OK, Manofcoins' swap went out today. Mojo's went out yesterday. Did we forget or overlook anyone? Did anyone want in that got left out?image
  • LouieLouie Posts: 1,132
    Got a fantastic swap from 2bucks. Filled a lot of holes in my Ike collection. Thanks a bunch, 2bucks. You are a really great swapper. Hope I get you in the next swap. Louie
  • 2bucks2bucks Posts: 636 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Louie! I had a great time! Excellent swap and I can't wait for the next. Boom I want to thank you personally for hosting this. Great Job!

  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Thanks 2Bucks and thanks manofcoins. I just received my goodies today and appreciate them very much. I sure like it when a plan comes together without a hitch. This can be such fun if executed properly. We'll be hosting another one probably for Halloween or something, then one for the Thanksgiving Holidays and followed by one for Christmas so be watching the boards everybody. imageimage

    Edited to add that when swapping if you just ask yourselves, "How would I feel if I received this" it would sure make for GREAT swaps and of course, a little common sense, like insuring your packages and adding Delivery Confirmation for Track & Confirm purposes sure helps prevent a lot of these so-called "lost" packages and thus, hard feelings. I am responsible for screening those that seek to partake and there will be no newbies that hit and run, getting a bunch of goodies, sending nothing and then high tailing it, never to be heard from again. Oh, uh-uh! NOT !! image
    Ebay Seller I.D
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