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Overstriked coins grading question

Originally posted in coinpeople.com, this is a question of how overstriked coins could be graded. I would just like to know other people's opinion as well on this.

An example of overstriked coin clip that I have made is right here: swf file
Approximately 1 min or so.

Such coins are quite interesting as it may still have some underlying image preserved, but most certainly not too nice. Of course, the top image of the overstriked coin may look slightly distorted.

The main question is, how do we eventally grade such coins? The current method of grading coins is only by its first strike, but never multiple strikes of different designs on one surface.

Do we grade such coins by their overall apperances, or do we go further by trying to grade how far we could see the previous background design too?

Also, if you happened to know other overstriked coins, please post them too! I am interested in knowing what other countries did it.
Overstriked coins
List of my partial coin list: My Coin List


  • newsmannewsman Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭
    The Portuguese struck 960 reis coins for Brazil from 1810-1822 on Spanish colonial 8 reales. The process began when Napoleon controlled Portugal and the Portuguese monarchy was in exile in Brazil.

    I find grading these coins to be extremely difficult, because of the uneven strikes which leave much of the undercoin visible. The TPGs seem to have the same problem, because many of the ones I see that aren't MS are undergraded.
  • Does anyone know if any dealers deal with overstriked coins? I know this is a very difficult, or almost no fields any dealers would want to touch with.

    The following link is a list of my overstriked coins and some at online auction sites.

    List of my partial coin list: My Coin List
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