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OT ebay selling ? 101

Will delete as soon as answered.
I just made my first sale on ebay (no coins yet) and not sure what to do. I said PayPal only but don't know how to give buyer my account info (number or what). I'm at the send invoice to buyer and it has a box to "Give clear instructions to assist buyers with payment, shipping, and returns." What do I type here? My address.


  • What do I type here? My address.

    Yup! With a little added thank you, amount due, and tell them if they have any further questions to not hesitate to email you via ebay.image Hope it helped.

    What is money, in reality, but dirty pieces of paper and metal upon which privilege is stamped?
  • Generally its your email address.

  • << <i> What do I type here? My address.

    Yup! With a little added thank you, amount due, and tell them if they have any further questions to not hesitate to email you via ebay.image Hope it helped.

    Tom >>

    Thanks, but how do I send my PayPal info?
  • If you signed up for PayPal you dont have to send any information, it will automatically go into your account - If you dont have a PayPal account just tell them to mail the payment and include your address.
  • MrSpudMrSpud Posts: 4,498 ✭✭✭
    Ummm.... In the message box put something like this. The automatic thingy will probably already give them your Paypal account info but send it again anyways.

    Thanks for bidding and congradulations on winning. Please send $28 plus $2 shipping for a total of $30. Please pay by Paypal tp name@email.com .
  • Thanks a ton. I don't see a way to delete the thread so moderators may or it will just die soon enough.
  • Let a thread die? Naw...

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