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153 page SCD...Wow

I know it is the Nationals big issue but it was so nice to get my moneys worth for my scd this week. Lots of ads like the old days and interesting articles throughout. I expected to see baseball card kid with a nice ad too but he seems to be laying low, Is he at the National? This was the first month that my SCD was thicker than my phone bill!!!!!


  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I post every one in a while on SCD - there are only a small group here who subscribe. I still do. I had posted when it dropped to the 60 page arena.

    I agree, in this case bigger is better to see!

  • SoutherncardsSoutherncards Posts: 1,384 ✭✭
    I still subscribe too...waiting for my new issue.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do you subscribe to SCD?

    Total Votes: 78

    17 (votes) 21.79 (%)
    30 (votes) 38.46 (%)
    No, but I used to
    31 (votes) 39.74 (%)

    Here's the results from the survey I took - I resurfaced the thread to see if some more people will add to the survey.

  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    I subscribe - but my latest issue is the usual 60-70 pages. What cover date is this big issue?
  • The large size is simply a one-issue anomaly for the National. They are probably giving it away at the National to make potential subscribers think every issue is that big. (Remember when it was rountinely in the 200-plus page range?).

    It will revert to its usual 60-70 page mediocrity with the next issue. I feel sorry for the trees that were sacrificed. It has become about as outdated as VCR tapes.
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