A bit overpriced?...look at the bids...a newbie with 1 feedback shot the coin up high...then again, who am I to talk...Mr. High-risk.
I hope the coin is worth it...Heritage shows a wide range of prices realized from recent auctions: $2000 to $4800 including 15% buyers premium. Right now 3 ms66's are going for around $2500, the PCGS Wells Fargo has a nasty little gash above the date, IMHO.
you can check out of coins anytime you like...but can you really leave?
Wherever I have looked the Wells Fargo saints have brought more money than the normal variety. People like the older holders and the "pedigree." Even if that pedigree might really be a bank in Russia in reality. Unfortunately many people buy the pedigree and plastic more so than the coin. This one didn't look all nice but then again the photo is not very clear either.
Generic MS66 Saints typically bring $1900-$2300. Really nice ones can fetch far more however. It's not unusual to see higher end or fresh coins bring $2800-$4500 at auction.
Did these coins actually come from a bank in Russia rather than being stored for decades and decades in a bank that Wells Fargo purchased? Can anyone share what's the true story about these coins?
NO! They were found in a vault in a bank that Wells Fargo bought! They were submitte en-masse, and the grading was rather loose. Many WERE extremely high grade because these were stored for some 70 years undisturbed.
That's one story. Another one that I read on a fairly respected web site is that many or all of these were originally found in a Russian bank not very long ago. They were subsequently moved to the US in the past 10 to 20 years. I just read this recently too. It didn't surprise me one bit so I didn't even give it a second thought. The coin marketeers will do whatever it takes: whether it's a "first dollar struck" presentation 1794 silver dollar or a hoard like Wells Fargo. If someone has first hand knowledge of the WF hoard that would be interesting to know. Wells Fargo hoard, "Mountain Grown" coffee or "Mountain Spring" water. Sometimes you just don't know who to believe.
Ok..then maybe Wells Fargo bought that Russian Bank. That could explain the theory from both sides.
Hey don't feel bad I also paid a simular amount for mine, its called auction fever.You could get treatment,but think of all the coins you could buy with the money you save by not paying a therapist.Now in defense of this purchase i will note that it is an old green label (which can command a premium ) a story coin which is very easy to sell and also usually will command a premium.Enjoy! GTS
I hope the coin is worth it...Heritage shows a wide range of prices realized from recent auctions: $2000 to $4800 including 15% buyers premium. Right now 3 ms66's are going for around $2500, the PCGS Wells Fargo has a nasty little gash above the date, IMHO.
fickenmichbitte ( 17)
Retracted: US $20,000,000.00
Explanation: Entered wrong amount
the buyer was robbed
Generic MS66 Saints typically bring $1900-$2300. Really nice ones can fetch far more however. It's not unusual to see higher end or fresh coins bring $2800-$4500 at auction.
Thanks in advance.
If someone has first hand knowledge of the WF hoard that would be interesting to know. Wells Fargo hoard, "Mountain Grown" coffee or "Mountain Spring" water. Sometimes you just don't know who to believe.
Ok..then maybe Wells Fargo bought that Russian Bank. That could explain the theory from both sides.