1975 FB 2 set break rips...

ORIGINAL TITLE: Trip to the parents and came back with 2 75's and a 76!
I had to spend the night at my folks place tonight as they went out of town and I have to watch their dog. I am glad I came!
I just dug out of the basement 2 1975 and a 1976 FB set! There are tons of gradable minor stars and rookies in there! I vaguely remember now stashing them away in the unfinished side of their basement years ago. Whoever I got these from in the early 90's thru SCD most likely, pilfered the rookies and stars and left only fillers there, which is why I stashed them back then. I just found them and was brousing through and I think I got a lot of gradables!
All the rookies are dogs and the Payton I remember taking out years ago. I remember being pissed that I was taken on these but now the commons and minor stars might fetch some decent grades!
Just felt like sharing my find! I am still there and am scannerless but if you guys want to see some of the better ones I can post em up on Sunday! I am about to go back downstairs to see if there is anything else I can dig up that I stashed away 10+ years ago.
Good Times
I'm surprised they have a computer!LOL
Post some of the better cards when you get a chance.
I was just mentioning how I have a 76T full sheet with Aaron on the upper left corner that I just got framed and is on the wall. The thing looks great!
I finally started going through these sets and I am still shocked how man gradables there are. As I said before, most of the RC's were fillers, but between the 2 sets I may have 150 cards that have a chance at 9's.
Here are some of the stars.
My Auctions
Here are a few more.
My Auctions
I'm still finding stuff in the closet that I'm clueless when or why I bought it!
I like the Stabler - Raiders fan.
And of course, you have the future Raider - Plunkett.
Good luck on your sub
These were sitting in my parents basement for 10 years and I found them, was happy enough to post about and then they sat in my closet until tonight. I also took back some 59's that were at my folks house that I just put in one of the set boxes and also forgot about.
These are pretty sweet too. I love an unexpected christmas
My Auctions
My Auctions
I'm looking for three cards in PSA-9 from the 75 set:
179 - Jim Tyrer
506 - Mike Bragg
519 - Ken Houston
Any high grade OPC Jim Palmer
High grade Redskins (pre 1980)