1937 Swiss 20F gold?
I currently put up on EBay two 1937 20F Swiss pieces expecting about $90 each for them. Somebody emailed me to ask me what the date was on the coin since they did not mint any 20f gold pieces in 1937. I checked and there isnt a record of any being minted in 1937 but however, the coins do read 1937! What do I have on my hands here?
They might possibly be patterns, but I doubt it. Do you have any images of the obverse and reverse?
Also, the dating style is incorrect, i.e. straight across vs. a typical 'large 9', smaller '2' or '3'. See Eliasberg Swiss for specifics on die details.
Who would conferfeit a 20F swiss coin 1) out of real gold and 2) using an incorrect date?
As to who would counterfeit a fantasy piece from real gold? Not to cast aspersions, but the Arabs and Chinese have good track records in this regard.