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1967s Also for Sale/Trade

Had these on Buy, Sell forum, thought I tried hear. Have the following for sale, would like to sell as lot, but will split if you need singles. PM on pricing. Need to sell to start on the 75s. Will be willing to trade for 75s PSA 8 or better.

Philadelphia Phillies #102 psa8
Randy Hundley #106 psa8
Ozzie Virgil #132 psa8
Jimmy Coker #158 psa8
Dick Radatz #174 psa8
Dick Groat #205 psa8
Jack Lamabe #208 psa8
Clay Carroll #219 psa8
Paul Linblad #227 psa8
Lee Maye #258 psa9
Don Dennis #259 psa9
John Wyatt #261 psa9
Hank Aguirre #263 psa8
Lou Burdette #265 psa9
Don Schwall #267 psa8
Gene Alley #283 psa8
Wayne Causey #286 psa8
Jesse Gonder #301 psa8
Claude Osteen #330 psa8
Ossie Chavarria #344 psa9
John Roseboro #365 psa8
Jeff Torborg #398 psa8
Gerry Arrigo #488 psa8



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