Old Sports Illustrated Magazines. Is there a market for these?

I have old Sports Illustrated magazines from the mid 70's to the mid 80's. I tried to sell a few from the year 1980 recently and was unsuccessful. Is there still a demand for this stuff or do I throw them all away.
What about old Beckett magazines? Any all all feedback is appreciated. Thanks
My Auctions
What about old Beckett magazines? Any all all feedback is appreciated. Thanks
My Auctions
Think I sold em' at Superior Auctions?
I should have kept them! I bet "break-up" value would be great now? Who knows?
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
Sports Illustrated wantlist
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Unlike Chris, I would also be interested in any with TarHeels football covers (if there are any).
Wasn't there a market for these in the past? I also enjoy reading and collecting them but they take up too much room.
My Auctions
For the most part, there seems to be a glut of these on the market, especially 70's on. The serious SI collector would rather have a newsstand copy over a subscription copy (without the mailing label). I read somewhere that newsstand copies comprise something like only 5% of SI's that are sold, and they are popular with autograph seekers, due to the uncluttered cover without the mailing label.
Like tnp777 above, I am also looking for RAMS SI's, but I have most everything from the 70's and 80's already.
Cataloging all those pesky, unlisted 1963 Topps football color variations Updated 2/13/05
Completed my Clemente Basic Registry (2007 - 2014)!
Positive transactions with oakesy25,jasoneggert,swartz1,MBMiller25,gregm13,kid4hof03,HoopGuru33,Reese3333,BPorter26,Davemri,CuseSteve