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Amazing PCGS Graded Assortment: Flyers/Indians/Lincolns/2c/5c/10c/25c/50c/$1/Gold/VAMS/Varieties/Ton

<STRONG>Amazing PCGS Graded Assortment: Flying Eagles/Indians/Lincolns/5c/10c/25c/50c/Gold/VAMS/Varieties/Toners/Registry Coins!!

About 10 items including 5 NO RESERVE auctions Ending Sunday 12/31 (& 2 more to end on 1/7) along w/ a few fixed price store items.

About 60 more coins to go on eBay "next year" image

</STRONG>image Some <STRONG>MAJOR</STRONG> Biggies image

Lots of high grade &/or rare varieties, Vams, & registry coins.

MANY finest known/condition census flying eagle, Indian, & Lincoln varieties, VAMS, & others.

Even greater variety of varieties (no pun intended) in our eBay store.

We have examples (some w/multiples) of many coins needed for the 09-58 w/varities Lincoln registry set in stock: 36 DDO#1, etc., + <STRONG>MANY, MANY, MANY</STRONG> other varities & Vams.

Feel free to make offers. image<a class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfrppZ200QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQrdZ0QQsassZrellaa" target=blank><STRONG>
</STRONG></A><a class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfrppZ200QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQrdZ0QQsassZrellaa" target=blank><STRONG>
All Items</STRONG></A>

<a class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.rogerscoins.com/" target=blank><STRONG>rogerscoins.com</STRONG></A>

Don't like dealers that won't take your credit card? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that won't take PayPal? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that won't take bank wires? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that won't take your check? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that won't take returns? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that won't allow lay-aways? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that won't submit coins for you to PCGS? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that won't guarantee their attributions UNCONDITIONALLY & FOREVER? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.
Don't like dealers that almost never run no reserve auctions starting at a penny? That's <STRONG>NOT</STRONG> us.

In fact, we <STRONG>USUALLY</STRONG> have <STRONG>"More No Reserve eBay Auctions (Starting At 1 CENT) For PCGS Graded Coins Than ANR, DLRC, Heritage, & Superior COMBINED!!" imageimageimageimage</STRONG>

<STRONG>When you consign coins to us for sale we offer the following package of services/benefits/advantages that you won't find ANYWHERE ELSE:</STRONG>
1. Professional Imaging.
2. Maximum Exposure: our eBay store, eBay category listings in either an auction (with or without a buy-it-now) or fixed price format, & on our website.
3. Immediate Payment: NOT after we get paid but we pay as soon as the auction or buy-it-now item closes (subject to item not selling for an absurd price - e.g. a 2005 PCGS MS65RD Lincoln cent being bid up to $782).
4. We assume ALL risks of non-payment, returned payments, lost shipments (to buyer from us) &/or lost payments (from us to you).
5. We eat all returns & don't hold your money until after our return period has ended or chase after you if one of your consigned items got returned.
6. Interest-free cash advances on your consigned coins.
7. Normal fees as low as 15% of the gross sale (even less for "big" items") out of which we cover the eBay listing fees, final value fees, PayPal/credit card fees, & packaging/shipping.
8. Our EXTREME Flexibility.
9. Excellent, timely, & accurate communications.
10. Items can be listed as soon as you let us know what you want to sell & we agree on the terms.
11. Secure bank vault storage while coins are in our possession (except while being imaged).
Lets see one of the "big boys" top that! If you're ready to sell now - give us a call: 214-597-7055. Thanks, - Roger's Coins.

In fact, there isn't nearly ANYONE offers the COMPLETE package of services WE do. You know someone that does? Let us know too so we can become THEIR customer as well.


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