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Wedding cover

BlackhawkBlackhawk Posts: 3,899 ✭✭✭
I got this cover in a group of collectibles and am trying to figure out just who is getting married here. There is a US flag as well as one that looks British, but the stamp is from France. Could anyone shed some light on this cover and approximate it's value.

"Have a nice day!"


  • Can you make out a date in the cancellation? The flag, IMO, would have to be from a Commonwelth country. My guess would be Canada. Bermuda and Cayman Islands and even Ontario today have the exact flag except with an emblem in the field. What makes your cover even more exciting for me...aren't "Rola" and "Wetheim" German names? So, someone living in France (assumption), sent a single ("Mlle") German lady, also living in France, some sort of wedding notice about an American and someone in the British Commonwelth.

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