FS: 1853 Seated Half, EF-40

Been upgrading lately, and have the following for sale. Since I don't do eBay, I thought someone here might have an interest:
1853 Arrows & Rays half dollar, ANACS EF-40
Somewhat scuffy surfaces, but legit XF details. Only one problem: It's very WHITE. No doubt dipped in the not too distant past. Attached photos show too much color....think WHITE. (Pre-photo Teletrade claimed it was "pleasant grey". Harumph!)
Greysheet is $190 for EF. But given that it is chromatically challenged, I'm asking $160 and I'll pay shipping. 7 day return privilege. Make an offer!
Added: Coin is sold. Thanks for looking!
1853 Arrows & Rays half dollar, ANACS EF-40
Somewhat scuffy surfaces, but legit XF details. Only one problem: It's very WHITE. No doubt dipped in the not too distant past. Attached photos show too much color....think WHITE. (Pre-photo Teletrade claimed it was "pleasant grey". Harumph!)
Greysheet is $190 for EF. But given that it is chromatically challenged, I'm asking $160 and I'll pay shipping. 7 day return privilege. Make an offer!
Added: Coin is sold. Thanks for looking!
Easily distracted Type Collector