128 PCGS Graded coins - Get them while you can!

FOR SALE: 128 PCGS Graded coins below slab price all for $1,000.
These always sell and provide some good profits for those patient
enought to retail them. I am losing $4 or more per coin just on
the grading fees not to mention the mint sets and rolls - ahhhh!
4th of july party on me. First phone call 805-497-2197 or email
answered in order. 85 Lincoln 1986-1996 mostly ms66rd, 17 state-
hood qtr 1999-2003 mostly gem, 6 Jeffersons Full steps, 2 Roos-
evelt's gem+, 9 Wash Clad 1988-1996 mostly gem & 9 Kennedy 1991-
1999 mostly gem price is delivered!!!!
These always sell and provide some good profits for those patient
enought to retail them. I am losing $4 or more per coin just on
the grading fees not to mention the mint sets and rolls - ahhhh!
4th of july party on me. First phone call 805-497-2197 or email
answered in order. 85 Lincoln 1986-1996 mostly ms66rd, 17 state-
hood qtr 1999-2003 mostly gem, 6 Jeffersons Full steps, 2 Roos-
evelt's gem+, 9 Wash Clad 1988-1996 mostly gem & 9 Kennedy 1991-
1999 mostly gem price is delivered!!!!