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Ok, pop is 1 of 14, maybe the person needed this, was his last card? I don't know, anyone have an opinion, paid to much??




  • kingraider75kingraider75 Posts: 1,500 ✭✭
    the auction had three people fighting for it, so that's better than head to head bidding. The price seems high to me, over $100 for a 75 PSA 8? But I haven't looked at the commons in the set. The color borders do make high grades harder. Maybe it's a little bit high, perhaps it's a $60 or $75 card.
    Running an Ebay store sure takes a lot more time than a person would think!
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    Real HIGH! I wish these people stumbled onto my auctions. image

    My Auctions
  • there may "only" be 14 8's, but there's also 10 9's image sounds way too high imo

  • perhaps building the Marty Perez master set?
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