Stamp collecting reference on The Simpsons

in Stamps Forum
This is from the 'Barbershop Quartet' episode. [When at a swap meet, Lisa finds a Be Sharps album, a barbershop quartet that Homer used to be in. Then Homer tells Lisa and Bart the story of the Be Sharps]
When looking through a 25 cent box at another booth, Homer keeps on tossing out of the box stuff he doesn't want. One of the lines:
"I don't want THESE! The planes are upside down!" (The item he tossed out looked like a large stamp sheet.)
When looking through a 25 cent box at another booth, Homer keeps on tossing out of the box stuff he doesn't want. One of the lines:
"I don't want THESE! The planes are upside down!" (The item he tossed out looked like a large stamp sheet.)
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BART: "The Burglar even stole my stamp collection!"
LISA: "You had a stamp collection?"
(All laugh at Bart) (Phone rings, Bart answers)
NELSON: "Stamp Collection? Ha-Ha!"